Loop cleaning — Steramine vs Virkon

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We used the recommended dilution from the manufacturer. Something like 1 tab/gallon. Keep in mind this was during covid so we were sanitizing before and after each use, 5-9 times per week.
What's your ratio of Steramine tablets/volume of water?
The instructions suggest 1 or 2 tablets per gallon. I use 20oz spray bottles, which is like 1/5 of a gallon. I use about 1/2 of a tablet which would be a little higher concentration than the recommend 2tab / gallon, but in the ballpark. Spray, wait a few minutes, drain and dry.
What's your ratio of Steramine tablets/volume of water?
1 to 2 tablets per gallon per instructions on the bottle. I usually use 6 tablets per 4 gallons.
The steramine seems to last a couple weeks too btw. I keep mine in a 5 gallon bucket and use it a few times before discarding
Yeah they gouged you on buying the rebreathers and now you're out gouging yourselves
Unless you leave them for 8 years, there is nothing in there that requires such disinfecting
You gurgled part of yourselves in there and it hasn't had the time to develop to infect you


and you can clean out that annoying sorb butter from your canisters with hydrochloric
Yeah they gouged you on buying the rebreathers and now you're out gouging yourselves
Unless you leave them for 8 years, there is nothing in there that requires such disinfecting
You gurgled part of yourselves in there and it hasn't had the time to develop to infect you

View attachment 853068

and you can clean out that annoying sorb butter from your canisters with hydrochloric
I bought a bottle of steramine in tablets in 2007. It's still going strong.
Yeah they gouged you on buying the rebreathers and now you're out gouging yourselves
Unless you leave them for 8 years, there is nothing in there that requires such disinfecting
You gurgled part of yourselves in there and it hasn't had the time to develop to infect you

View attachment 853068

and you can clean out that annoying sorb butter from your canisters with hydrochloric
There are plenty of germs in air. They will grow in any organic leftovers like your spitty lungbutter. It may start out sterile-ish but wont stay that way for long

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