Looks like Frances is on the way

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Tomorrow we board up the second story.. just a little something to protect the glass from flying sticks and such from debris. Got 15 gal spare gas... got lots of juice for the wee lad... lots of canned goods.. place to stay in TN for a few weeks if we lose power..BEER is stocked for the college ball games tomorrow... BTW, did anyone else remember to stock toilet paper and paper towels? :D
I was just gonna use all them thar political flyers that filled my mailbox this past month. A bit rough, but I like the idea of giving BACK to the politicians. :)

the good news is that the hurricane is slowing down and is now a category 2

the bad news is that the hurricane is slowing down and will thus dump a whole
lot more rain on any given area, causing lots of flooding problems

three day chart shows it hitting land about 2:00 pm Saturday.

National Hurricane Center
the weather dudes said that since it is slowing down, it will give it a chance to rebuild when it is over the gulf stream, so although the winds are 105 now, they will be back up to 120 when it hits land.
darn... NOAA was saying there was little likelihood of that happening

One thing I've noticed in any news event that receives major coverage is that the talking heads have to keep making noise to ensure there's no dead air. Frances coverage is no exception. That's why we only use the NHC updates from the NOAA site to drive our decisions.

My wife told me yesterday when I came home that we had to keep track which direction the wind was blowing becasue they said on TV you had to crack your windows to relieve pressure in the house. Because she heard it on TV she thought it was true. It took a lot of "discussion" to convince her we weren't going to do it.

At least they corrected it later that evening. And we both heard so I got to say I was right. :D

One other benefit of Frances - our Saturday Sun-Sentinel was delivered tonight at 7:30pm.

"Is it supposed to rain this weekend?"

10 to 20 inches of rain...I'd say that's a good solid 20% there. (at least going by what the weather forcast USUALLY is like)
wow... Gibbon and Seawolf posting back to back...

in celebration, here's a blast from the past:


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