Log Book

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I don't care if others don't log their dives, I just don't want anybody telling me it's a waste of time. Like I said, earlier, I don't yet have 100 dives--maybe I'll get tired of it and stop. Right now, though, especially when I'm not diving a lot, I enjoy it. It hasn't become work, yet.

I'm with you on this one! I don't have all my dives logged but I wish I did! I like leafing back through my logs and remembering people and events. My logs are more like journals and include anectdotal stuff that make people smile when I show them what I have written... sometimes years later and they remember too. You won't get tired of logging your dives and stop...I could lose all my gold and valuables and wouldn't be as upset as I would be if I lost a log book. eyebrow
log books are a pretty bad way to record things like weighting and dive site notes. if you want to record weighting notes, keep a set of notes on your weighting. if you want to keep notes on dive sites, keep them organized by dive site.

Hate to break it to you, but I think what your suggesting is keeping a logbook. Only, instead of logging dives you'd be logging dive sites.

Logbooks, can come in many different forms.
Not so fast, Cristi and Walter. I've been diving with scuba closer to 40 years, and have been certified since 1972. I've done many hundreds of dives, probably more than 1000 if you count shallow inlet dives. Slightly more than 100 were "logged dives". The profile questionaire does not mention unlogged dives.

I hope Walter has learned that there is more to statistics than adding and dividing, and that word problems can be tricky.

Why would the profile mention unlogged dives? Because they are unlogged, there's no way of knowing how many there might be. Noone knows how many unlogged they have unless that number is zero or very close to it. Any number of unlogged dives is a WAG at best.

You then completed your profile correctly, you've logged between 101 - 200 dives. You shouldn't state you "But I have no log book." I'm sure you have made many hundreds of dives, perhaps you have made more than 1000, but unless you start logging, you'll never know. That's OK as long as you're happy with it. I understand word problems quite easily.

If you've been diving close to 40 years and you've been active that whole time, you likely have made more dives than I've made, but we will never know. I know my total, you have absolutely no idea of your total. As long as you're happy not knowing, I'm happy with you not knowing. I promise not to judge you or your diving ability by your lack of a current log. Why would you want to dismiss me because I have kept an accurate log?
you know, people fight more about logging dives than many other things you would think would be more upsetting. I would like to get my son's baby book done first before I worry too much about the scuba cops counting my dives. I guess it is really serious stuff how many dives are recorded. People these days asking me for my signature, like they need a witness. sigh.
People ON HERE talking about you wasting your time?...do you not ever step back and laugh? I have wasted my entire day on here. But...tomorrow I shall stalk the ever-elusive Hawaiian Monk Seal....

why do I have an edit button and no one else does??? (because I NEED one?)

Why fight? My log book is for me. I don't show it to just anyone who asks. That way, I feel free to write anything I feel belongs. I rarely get a signature, but I keep 3 logs. It matters not to me if you log or not. Some of my best buddies ever have never logged a single dive. A waste of time is anything you regret doing. If you regret logging dives, they are a waste for you. I never regret logging dives.
PADI mafia could break her patellas.

yea, okay, just checking about those log books, seems like a hot topic. I will change mine to zero....I thought about doing that before..it was a moral dilemma, you know?
Hate to break it to you, but I think what your suggesting is keeping a logbook. Only, instead of logging dives you'd be logging dive sites.

he he. He is right you know, Lamont. Oh wait, does DIR have a special correct term for weighting notes? with a special black wing fabric cover? sorry, couldn't resist.
You've been diving for over 20 years (assuming, of course, you were born with the usual number and have had no accidents to reduce their sum) and have 200 of fewer dives. That's less than 10 dives per year. You don't dive much, yet you come here and get self-righteous about your inability to keep records. BTW, why are you lying in your profile? You say you have 101 - 200 logged dives in your profile, then you post here and claim to have no log, which is it?

It sort of depends on where you live?

I have been certified for 16 years. During my first 10 years i lived in Connecticut and Upstate NY where the water was too cold most of the year for wetsuit diving. And most of the good diving was in Rhode island, which was a trip in itself. So i only averaged about 6-10 dives a year.

But, now that i live in fort lauderdale, where the water is pretty warm year round and the beach is about 10 minutes away. Well i average about 2 technical boat dives or 4 recreational boat dives or 6 recreational beach dives each week. Of course that would mean i should have 1500+ dives by now. But, there are more things to live then diving every single weekend :wink:

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