The reservation transfers seems to support Cheryl's theory...
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The reservation transfers seems to support Cheryl's theory...
I just had a thought. What does the place look like in the parking lot on the weekends when all the divers are there setting up. Does it look like a flea market of dive gear set up on tables and laying everywhere? Do the divers pretty much dominate the scene to where non divers feel squeezed out?
This may have something to do with it since it was mentioned that it probably isn't a revenue issue, rather it sounds to me like a behavior modification move and or possible reduction of an intrusive species known as divers. Maybe they got some complaints from non divers?
Just speculating. Either way, I don't like the incremental ratcheting up of rules by self appointed and self righteous overseers.
Protesting by not showing up is what they want. If you guys want to protest it needs to go way deeper than that. But is it worth it? I mean it's only point Lobos. There are other places to go. I guess you guys would have to decide.
I would put it like this. In weekend morning to about early afternoon, whaler's cove parking is dominated by divers. But it is no where like flee market, at least it never feels that way to me. Frequent divers there usually are very displine and organized. They are usually very friendly to non divers too.
Myself don't believe for a second the fee increase is due to diving activities. I heard it is because Lobo management wants to prevent those "make reservation first, then see if I will use it" cases. But I believe there are better way to do it than penalized divers in general.
If that were the case it would only be reservation fee. Instead the doubled the diver fee, reservation or no.
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Do you know this, or are you just speculating? For me, this is really key. I'm a decrepit retired old guy, living off Social Security, so I always go mid-week without a reservation and pay my $10. If the fee goes to $20, that means $40 for me because my wife is almost always my dive buddy. I'm too feeble to hump the dunes at Monastery, so Lobos is my only good option.If you don't have reservation and just drop in, if there is spots open, it will still be $10/diver. So to me, it is clearly targeted for those who "reserve first and see later".