RICHinNC once bubbled...
I find this whole issue interesting. Not because I am doesnt play into it...I m old ...there arent that many old female divers anyway....but if there are any young ladies into old pudgy guys....hey,,,I m your man!!
But seriously.............
But IMHO there does seem to be a double standard. What I mean by that is....there is a women's area...and that is fine. But in reality that is a specialty area like the singles area would be. And, ....there are 4 tek areas...not just one... but 4.
Then , there are 12 specialty areas by geographical location.
Last, it seems to me the threads I read by people most opposed to the singles area are not single.
I know one person against the area because they believe it would become a "meat" area, not a "meet" area. And, I read a number of threads that fear it would not be a wholesome place for kids. Personally I find "worrying about predators" to be reaching spice girl far (really really really far).
I have read the suggestion that those that want this should go to other sites, like dating sites and search for divers in the peoples area of interests. Those sites that I know of are not free. And, they are not cheap either. So I find that suggestion to be rather unfair. I feel that these sites probably have more predators and things to worry about as well.
What I havent read is why it couldnt be given a chance and if it got out of hand.....taken away? Has that been addressed and I missed it.??
Not trying to muddy the water, but as I understood it, the idea of the forums and threads were to provide a place where people could state their opinions. Think I just did so. And , thanks.
PS...if you disagree with me.....kewl ....would still be your friend.