Here are my criteria for yes or no to new forum:
Can it be accomplished without adding a new forum? Clearly it can. As mentioned earlier, thread starters can preface posts with "Singles-..." and note single-related requirements in the post. So, I'm thinking we don't really absolutely gotta have a new forum. It's gotta be more a matter of....
Would having a "Singles-dedicated" forum make it easier for those interested in threads contained therein easier to locate and read and follow them, etc.? Uh... probably. Right? I suppose that if you logged onto the Board with the intention of checking out the singles threads, it'd be far easier to just click on that forum than do a little searching for such threads. This is a dedicated scuba diver board, and we do have discussion of who liked this or that movie in a "Non-diving related" forum.
So, here's my proposal: the fear of the Mods is that such a forum becomes quickly overloaded with inappropriate schtufff. Right? Create the new forum with the expressed understanding by all members that it is a 30-, 60-, or 90-day trial, and that at the end of that time, if deemed by the Mods and the Mods alone that it's not been running to SB standards, it's pulled, no questions asked or explanations required. If everyone makes good with it, then the Mods tell everyone, "Singles, you're off probation!"