I tried that and it didn't help. But I really, really get seasick easily.Wikipedia says not sold in Canada? It's available on Ebay with shipping to the US. Cinnarizine tab. 25mg Travel Sickness (Stugeron) 2x50=100 Tab. Tracking Number | eBay
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I tried that and it didn't help. But I really, really get seasick easily.Wikipedia says not sold in Canada? It's available on Ebay with shipping to the US. Cinnarizine tab. 25mg Travel Sickness (Stugeron) 2x50=100 Tab. Tracking Number | eBay
Please, try the scopolomine pill if the others don't work. I tried all the others. I have a bottle of cinnarizine I'd give to somebody. Travacalm, or the other scopolomine pills work for me. I tried everything else for 15 years in Mexico and got sick almost every boat ride.I guess if Cinnarizine and others don't cut it then maybe the last option is to see a Dr. and get a prescription for the 3 -day scopolamine patch and ask what else you could supplement it with if it isn't enough. I've also heard of people wearing 2 of those patches at the same time. I"m not sure how much of that stuff one can take before one could experience some unwanted side effects though... Probably varies person to person like most drugs.
I tried everything else for 15 years in Mexico and got sick almost every boat ride.
Nope, didn't try ginger. But then I have a solution.Hi BRT,
There's a guy in our dive group who was about to give up boat diving as he also tried just about everything. Then he discovered ginger (I think some kind of jelly candy) works for him and swears by it now. Does your "everything" include ginger? I ask as I don't get motion sick, but invariably when the subject of diving comes up motion sickness is soon part of the conversation-and sharks.
Dramamine and Meclazine both make me slightly sleepy but I don't notice it with Scopolomine.My daughter flew with me a lot when she was a kid and Frequent Flyer programs were fun, actually rewarding - no problem. We took a cheap cruise once, when we hit rough seas during dinner - half the room left sick but we reached for their garlic snails, no problem, then went dancing on the rear deck. Still not bothered by flights or ships.
Decades later she gets car sick, as does my granddaughter. I still think much of it is learned or accepted, but when we have to stop for a puke, it's real. The only thing that works is to let her drive as the driver never gets sick, unless they take her hubby's jeep as she can't drive a stick. I was driving sticks, loading cattle alone, and hauling them across county lines when I was 12; wish she'd learn. Their last jeep trip, she complained about Dramamine making her drunk. I'd hate to see her on scopolamine. I'd be happy with her doing all of the driving on our trips, but her driving scares me.
Ever get seasick?Forget all the dangerous drugs just remember if you make yourself throw up 30 mins before go time your body enters a refractory period whete you're immune to motion sickness