Gidds, Waxing is WAY more painful than laser.
Even though I wax other areas no problem, I could not handle a brazilian bikini wax AT ALL, but laser is no problem. I was also getting ingrowns from waxing, which the laser removed, and they've never come back.
The laser is adjusted to your comfort level. Usually, you begin with a consultation and patch test, where they try out different strengths on the areas you are interested in. The technician works with the range of levels that work for your skin/hair type. You usually decide together what level you can tolerate.
As the hair becomes finer and starts to disappear, they will usually increase the level, perhaps each visit - always within your tolerance level. This is because finer hair needs a higher/different setting and you only feel the laser if there is a hair in the shaft. So if there is no hair, you feel no pain. So what you may have been able to just tolerate the first time will be like nothing to you the second or third time, etc - because there is less/no hair.
My technicians (at LCI - Lasercom Clinics International - in Toronto) have told me that to get the best results, you choose the highest setting that you can tolerate. Not really painful, just not too comfy either.
Laser is a bit expensive, but it is definitely worth it! As a diver, and just as a woman, I love not having to worry about waxing (or shaving) and the times in-between, and always being ready and smooth. What convenience! Definitely no regrets! :sunny