L1234 - I don't object to a somewhat less experienced
trained diver offering constructive comments. I objected to the cheap shot sarcasm - some of it from a non-trained diver.
Don, you're missing the point. An immediate repetative to 80 ft without surface interval is actually a continuation of a previous 80 ft dive. 700 lbs in back gas is essentially dry, I wouldn't want to rely on that to make a safe asceht from 80 ft. A pony has no redundancy within itself, it is a redundant source. Therefore, you dove what likely could have been a deco dive, solo, under duress, with no redundancy. Check your rescue manual (if you've taken the class), but that scenereo is screaming for the opportunity to make you the second (or ultimately in this case, first) victim, thus dividing resources of remaining rescuers, if any are even aware of you being down there.
It wasn't a miss - I just don't put a lot of work into trying to decipher cheap shot sarcasm.
Yep, it was a continuation of the dive when I descended again - realized that at the time and did so only after checking my computer which was quite happy - well within the green. For the record, 700# in an 80 cf tank should be plenty for a diver to make a somewhat safe ascent from 80 ft, in addition to the 3000# 19 cf I used for the bounce - so yes, I
did have backup gas to ascend if the other source failed. I
did learn from last year's thread, tho - had the pony gauge in one hand for the entire time I used it. Not defending the action, but clarifying that I did have the equivalent of 1450# for the extension of the dive.
Again, it was a spur of the moment reaction to search for a missing buddy - with 1450#, a happy computer, dive light in one hand and spg in the other, ending with a safety stop. I did not feel good about it at the time, less so afterwards.
But thank you for taking the time and trouble to type an organized comment rather than simple insults. Should you like to take the time and trouble to offer constructive suggestions on how you would have handled the search,
that would be appreciated.
Tell you what, I'll add some information and open a "What would you have done" thread on Near Misses later, and a link here.