What kind of computer do you have that required a stop at 50' for 5 minutes on a 110' dive? How long were you at depth? You should have been able to see the forest at around 95' with so so vis. It gets pretty damn cold down there pretty quick, so take that into account the next time you go down there. Air consumption usually increases in colder water. It is cool though. Best dive on the lake is the Graveyard on Halloween night. Water temps around 44 at 140', so it's not a real long dive without a drysuit. I'm thinking about diving in the next 2 weekends depending on schedule, so maybe I'll see some of you there. I'm the big guy with a shaved head and goatee. I'm a dive master and assistant instructor for Bermuda Triangle Greenville. If you see me, say hello. I'm not near as menacing as I look.