La Perlita Closed???

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I read an article about this last week in Por Esto. The article stated that the "health department" is not part of the municipal government but state or federal and implied that it was a standard inspection that many food service providers go through. They were given a list of items to correct before they can reopen.

Almost true - but take ANYTHING published in local papers as a grain of salt - there is absolutely NO journalistic integrity here - no fact checking, pure bias by whomever is reporting the story or paying for the story to be published.

It is common knowledge that the newspapers (including Por Esto) publish what they are paid to publish by the highest bidder - usually the local government to say what they want to feed to the public. The new administration, in their quest for integrity and cleaning up corruption did not "hire" the papers to publish anything in their favor or against the outgoing party. Anything they announce is on the local government website.

Here is the full story on La Perlita closing.

Yes, there was a routine health department inspection, just like any in the USA. Often, in the USA AND here, they are given things to change, fix, etc which do NOT require closing - as was the case for La Perlita. They DID make the CHOICE themselves to close for a couple of days to make these changes so they could also do some other maintenance without disturbing clients. Some more clarifications:

1. Perla (the new Mayor) does not own La Perlita, her sister Gladys does - so as you see, she is getting no preferential treatment nor using her sisters power.
2. They CHOSE to close for a couple of days to repair these things and do other maintenance required to maintain a special certification they have. It is low season and they made the choice to close so it would not be disturbing to patrons. They closed only 2 days.

Here is a video (in Spanish) below - I've provided an English translation below - yes some things are repeated - but here are the facts and no different than some of your favorite restaurants anywhere! Routine and inevitable stuff that every restaurant goes through.

Translation: (mine as a Spanish speaker, not Google - haha)

"Hello, good morning, we are ¨La perlita Rest¨.

This video has the purpose of informing the comunity what is happening here.

A few days ago we had a visit from COFEPRIS (health department) and they made two observations that we have to fix, they didn’t close us down, as you see there is no tape or “clauserado” seals.

We want you to know that this Saturday and Sunday (this pat weekend) the restaurant will be closed to repair these 2 things and to take advantage to do general and exhaustive cleaning as we always do when is time to do the certification to get the Distintivo M (special certification)

As you see, today is “shorts day”, we call it this because we all wear shorts to do the cleaning.

We will see you this Monday, and I want to invite all the ¨PAPÁS¨ to stop this Sunday and pick up a Little present that we have for you all as we do every year.

On Monday the restaurante will be open as normal.

Thank you very much for your friendship, messages and for your demonstrations of affection that you have to this Company, thank you."
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If only you knew what went on in A rated restaurants, you'd never eat out Sometimes it's good to have ones head in the ground! Especially when ones hungry :)

One of my best friends is an executive chef for a Michelin restaurant, I know what goes on. The difference is when you skirt those rules so blatantly they shut you down.

Good clarification by Christi. People can make up their own minds. Yes, food prep its laughable. I have seen enough people who thought it was laughable in my ER. Only they werent laughing then. Too each their own.
Or anywhere else, for that matter. I do not try to influence Cozumel politics by where I choose to spend my money because a) there is no way I could ever know enough about it to be objective, and b) it is none of my business.

Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!!

Regardless of which locals any of you "know" or spend time with, regardless of how many vacations a year you take down here, regardless of what you read in Por Esto or on a Scuba forum on the internet, or what you read by expats (who may or may not be full-timers or personally educated with ALL the facts/sides/perspectives) on Cozumel 4 You, which is ALL hearsay etc. - there is no substitute for living it and running a business in it day in and day out and having living daily knowledge and exposure to all sides to reach your own informed decision/opinion.

I try to provide only information I know to be true - not my personal opinions based on hearsay or island/internet/news rag gossip.

un Pech family, victims of robbery

COZUMEL, June 18 .- Although the municipal president of Cozumel, Perla Cecilia Tun Pech, has tried to minimize in constant speeches about the increase of robberies that continue to occur on the Island of the Golondrinas, this weekend the Family of the mayor was the victim of robbery in the restaurant of her sister and parents, which is called "La Perlita", where they removed computer equipment and other objects.
At least that was what transpired this Sunday, when the official vehicle in which he was transferred to Gladys, president of the municipal DIF and sister of the local president, Perla Cecilia, both with the surname Tun Pech, arrived at the Attorney General's Office. The mayor's sister, quickly entered the offices of the Prosecutor's Office, in order to be treated to file a complaint in a discreet manner, As it will be remembered, the citizen has boasted that Cozumel is all well and that the supposed rates of robbery and robbery are only part of the perspective of the citizens and groups that supposedly want to destabilize their government.
Like dozens of families, this time the Tun Pech family, were victims of lovers of other people, since on the morning of this Sunday the establishment located at 10 North Street between 65 bis and 70 Avenue of the colony Emiliano Zapata, where it is presumed, have a system of surveillance cameras, the personnel in turn noticed that they had taken a computer equipment of the place, as well as other objects of lower cost, situation for which it was notified to the Owner so that it could take letters in the matter, As apparently a window of that business had been waged to carry out the robbery.
This was how it was reported to the Attorney General's Office, where staff came from the area of criminalistics, to carry out the examination of possible evidence, at the time that Gladys Tun Pech, filed his complaint with the Prosecutor's Office, where he noticed The presence of the media, so that the staff of said office closed the curtains of the windows, to prevent the photographed the victim.
While the president of the municipal DIF interposed the complaint for the robbery inside the establishment of its family denominated like fishmongera and cocktail "La Perlita", the driver and a companion more of Gladys Tun Pech, Tried to photograph the representatives of the media present to inform their bosses and then try to hide between the corridors, to avoid being captured as they did.
An hour later, the aggrieved woman left the public prosecutor's office to go to her vehicle, saying that the robbery had been for a non-substantial amount, but it was no less important, especially since the citizen has gone out to say in various Opportunities where he has had the microphones in hand, that the robberies to passersby, to house room and to commerce, are only lies of the mass media, and even has indicated to these of supposedly wanting to misinform the community, When in recent weeks she herself acknowledged before a group of businessmen that the number of thefts had been doubled in recent months, but that she did not want that information to be revealed.
It should be noted that in the week that has just ended, inspectors from the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) arrived in a surprising manner, who during the verification encountered various anomalies such as the mismanagement of products, Seafood, in addition to finding apparently noxious fauna, so it proceeded to issue several recommendations that had to be compensated for the opening of the business.
With all due respect

Since you're Mexican, you're allowed to comment.

I'm a permanent resident (and would like to keep it that way), so I'm prohibited from engaging in political activity regarding Mexico even if that doesn't impinge on ScubaBoard policies.

I've gone to La Perlita (among MANY other places) regularly for years. I have not swabbed anything in the kitchen for cultures, but I haven't seen any reason not to return and plan to do so.

I used not to be too worried about food safety issues, especially in Cozumel, because I never had issues. I'm immunosuppressed due to leukemia now, so I'm pretty cautious. Still plan to eat at La Perlita the next opportunity I have.

I try to provide only information I know to be true - not my personal opinions based on hearsay or island/internet/news rag gossip.

This is pretty difficult anywhere. When not in Cozumel I live in small-town New Hampshire. "Peyton Place" was written by a woman from near here based on a nearby town, and it fails to capture much of the drama that happens around here. Everyplace inhabited by humans is basically one big rumor mill.
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Thank you for clarifying the issue of La Perlita.
We often think we can discuss politics and not cross the line into being a warrior and offending others with a different view and perhaps we can but once the discussion goes political others will show where their line is and many will draw their line far past where most are comfortable. For that reason it is best to leave politics out of a non-political forum, lest the value of the forum be diminished by confrontation.

There are many places where that type of confrontation is welcome and even encouraged. Thankfully there are places where it is not. That allows us to choose instead of finding it everywhere we go on the internet and in public.

We hope the members understand that to allow it to get started makes defining the line of how much is acceptable later seem a bit arbitrary to those that are moderated for their political response to someone else's political post. Sometimes we have to moderate a post for what it may lead to rather than what it is.
Since you're Mexican, you're allowed to comment.

I'm a permanent resident (and would like to keep it that way), so I'm prohibited from engaging in political activity regarding Mexico even if that doesn't impinge on ScubaBoard policies.

I've gone to La Perlita (among MANY other places) regularly for years. I have not swabbed anything in the kitchen for cultures, but I haven't seen any reason not to return and plan to do so.

I used not to be too worried about food safety issues, especially in Cozumel, because I never had issues. I'm immunosuppressed due to leukemia now, so I'm pretty cautious. Still plan to eat at La Perlita the next opportunity I have.

This is pretty difficult anywhere. When not in Cozumel I live in small-town New Hampshire. "Peyton Place" was written by a woman from near here based on a nearby town, and it fails to capture much of the drama that happens around here. Everyplace inhabited by humans is basically one big rumor mill.

Just to clarify - my post with the video was directly related to La Perlitas closing - and the reason for thei closing - despite the gossip on the island. I posted the video with translation to provide the information direct from the horses mouth - and to clarify ownership.

The fact that it is owned and run by the SISTER of our current mayor I think is the only reason politics came in - when another poster claimed they would not eat there because it was owned by the mayor - I pointed out and made that correction to illustrate just one example of how posting things one has only heard by hearsay is nothing more than gossip - whether political in nature or not. That was a clear misstatement of fact by that poster.

And yes, agreed - non citizens of MX literally cannot by LAW speak out publicly on political matters. This is actually stated as part of the tourist or resident visas agreement that this is grounds for deportation. Just another fact - not my opinion.

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