KPP On-going idle chit-chat thread

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Is that quarry still open in western kentucky? I want to say it was cerauleian or something like that?

They closed last year and didn't reopen.
That sucks!!!! I dove that 2 years ago and my brother and I were the only 2 there. Viz and temp where great! So whats going to come of the place?
Should have been great viz since the filtered it. Too bad I never got to dive it.

Haven't heard anything lately about it. Last news was that there was no intention of reopening. Not sure why they closed in the first place.
the guy that owned it or managed it said that he wasnt getting enough business last I talked to him but still there cant be that much up keep or operating cost with a place like that
Kids! With those awesome conditions, why shorten your dive by going to 130 for no good reason?!
Well it was coming, one of our group, I call them kids, 38 year old male dropped in convulsions at the dive shop today. Taken to the hospital, no word on condition yet.....Maybe severe dehydration or worse. They, "the kids," have been pushing really hard all week to get in as many dives as they can. I'm glad I'm with the old timers, 2-3 dives a day and we are in 7th heaven......
Well it was coming, one of our group, I call them kids, 38 year old male dropped in convulsions at the dive shop today. Taken to the hospital, no word on condition yet.....Maybe severe dehydration or worse. They, "the kids," have been pushing really hard all week to get in as many dives as they can. I'm glad I'm with the old timers, 2-3 dives a day and we are in 7th heaven......

I'm sorry to hear that. I certainly hope it's just dehydration. Some of these folks need to get a clue. It's not a contest and there are physiological ramifications to pushing the boundaries day after day. It would be interested to see not only their dive times and SIs, but especially their ascent profiles. It probably wouldn't be pretty.

Glad to hear that you're taking it a bit easier and enjoying every minute ... even though you suck! :wink:
even though you suck! :wink:

Yep, I'll be back in the cold Saturday....:shakehead:

Still no news, another thought came to mind, he was certified nitrox earlier this week. May have pushed his clock too far, yet I think that should have onset during the dives???

He is back, over did it, exhaustion and dehydration......

Lucky this time. We gave one girl hell earlier this week, o/w went to 138' I think we got our point accross.
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Always dive within your limits. Going into Deco at 100ft with 2 dead fish on the line and sharks all around and having to stay at 20 feet for 10 mins untill your out of Deco isnt fun. I know first hand!! :jaws: :fishslap:
Yep, I'll be back in the cold Saturday....:shakehead:

Still no news, another thought came to mind, he was certified nitrox earlier this week. May have pushed his clock too far, yet I think that should have onset during the dives???

He is back, over did it, exhaustion and dehydration......

Lucky this time. We gave one girl hell earlier this week, o/w went to 138' I think we got our point across.

And they wonder why it happened!! Surprised with the dehydration and all that something else didn't happen. He must not be pushing the NDL to close or just got lucky.
Yep, I'll be back in the cold Saturday....:shakehead:

Still no news, another thought came to mind, he was certified nitrox earlier this week. May have pushed his clock too far, yet I think that should have onset during the dives???

He is back, over did it, exhaustion and dehydration......

Lucky this time. We gave one girl hell earlier this week, o/w went to 138' I think we got our point accross.

If there is anything bad about diving in such pristine diving conditions is that it is very tempting to go just a little deeper. When it's 80 deg at 80' another 40' or so doesn't seem like a big deal.

Glad it all turned out ok!

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