KPP On-going idle chit-chat thread

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Sorry to hear this. I'll take some video of the boat so you can see it.

BTW, when is JBD's rescue class??? Lets set something on our calendars!!
Made the deposit for the Blackbeards trip this past Friday. Will most likely buy the plane ticket in a couple of weeks. Really looking forward to the trip, as I plan to retire to a boat in reasonably near future. The boats they have are the size I'm thinking of getting. I figure this trip will give me an idea of what its like living on a boat of that size.

Its looking like I may be starting OW training for JP's wife in about three weeks. I'm looking forward to that. Once I have that class underway, we can start looking at scheduling the rescue course. I would like to get in some dives with those I haven't been diving with yet prior to the course. I'm thinking it would be good to do a pool session or two to introduce and practice skills prior to the OW day of rescue. I am open to doing all of it at Joe's but there is an advantage to the water clarity in a pool.

Also we need to make arrangements to get everyone taking the course CPR certified if not already certified. I know LL is all set on this. JP's wife has a friend who teaches CPR and will do it for a very reasonable price.
I'm really looking forward to my wife getting certified as well as taking the rescue class. Looks like you are going to have a busy season. :wink:
COOL! Now you will have to behave JP. :D

I am already CPR/first aid certified. Any idea of when we might start the rescue class?

I would like to get in some dives with those that I haven't been diving with yet prior to the course.
Translated means...Wally is dead meat. :D
Translated means...Wally is dead meat. :D

Not to worry, I'm cpr/first aid/aed/o2 provider/marine emergency with neurological diving accident assessment certified!

If all else fails, I've ordered the 100 ways to prepare polar bear cook book.:D
Land Locked:
Not to worry, I'm cpr/first aid/aed/o2 provider/marine emergency with neurological diving accident certified!

If all else fails, I've ordered the 100 ways to prepare polar bear cook book.:D
Holy Cr#p!!!:rofl3: That is a good one:rofl3: :rofl3:

You got the cookbook--- I can get the polar bear:D
There ain't enough meat on Wally's bones to supply us with a snack!!!!
baby back~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
baby back baby back baby back:rofl3:
LOL....well those were good ones.
What meat is on my bones would probably be tough as shoe leather and taste like...well you know. :D
LOL....well those were good ones.
What meat is on my bones would probably be tough as shoe leather and taste like...well you know. :D
Frog legs ain't got much meat on them either but lots of folks like them:D

Just need LL to bring the cookbook to the polar bear giging--err umm the rescue course :D

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