The more of these Keys themed threads I read, the more convinced I become that I really "need" to go back after a 25 year hiatus. With what I've read so far, the Amoray looks good to me because of the combined hotel accommodations and diving. I hope to spend about 3 days with as much diving "as the law will allow" and really don't have any other reason for going, except for the great seafood.
My reason for posting now in this thread is that it has become absolutely clear that I can't make a trip happen this Fall, and with the notoriously iffy diving in the Winter, I need to ascertain from locals and frequent divers, how early in the late Winter/early Spring can I schedule a trip and expect good conditions? I plan at least one day of shallow reef dives to get my gills wet, then maybe a trip or two out to one of the well known ships, so I'd like to avoid the blahs of Winter diving as much as possible, and am retired, so I'm usually pretty flexible in when I can schedule.
Also, when I was down there a quarter century ago I went to an interesting restaurant somewhere ih the about the Mile Post 110 area, IIRC. It was built to look like a lighthouse and back then offered an awesome buffet. Does this sound familiar to any of you locals? Is it still in operation and if so, is it still a good place to go?
Thanks for your responses!