If you think justifying solo diving is difficult, try justifying solo
This would be one side of a phone conversation at my place:
"Yes, mom, she's a really sweet gal."
"No, mom, I have no intention of marrying again or living with her or anyone else - besides the cat, anyway."
"Yes, she's fine with that. She likes living in her own place as well. Otherwise we would have stopped seeing each other long ago."
"Because I like living my day-to-day life on my own."
"Don't you think people should live together because they WANT to, not because they feel they 'OUGHT' to?"
"Yes, I've discussed this with my doc. He says I'm fine."
"No, I will NOT get another one just because you don't like what this one says!"
"No, mom, I've never had suicidal thoughts. Well, not since you had to drive me around in the AMC Hornet as a teenager."
"No, mom, I have no brooding interest in taking an axe to my neighbors."
"But those people are UNHAPPY and feel lonely - I am HAPPY and feel great!"
"Mom, really, I just prefer to live ALONE. Can't you just feel happy for me?"
"Sure, I might change, mom, but it's been years and the more I live alone, the more I like it, so don't hold your breath..."
That's not to even begin to mention diving alone...