Just pulled the trigger on a Seaskin Nova

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The good news is that it was about $1000 all in, with most all bells and whistles.

The bad news is that it is about 12 weeks out :(

I've come to believe a drysuit is an aspirational term. It will (hopefully) be so nice to be dry again at the end of a dive
Congrats, I think you'll enjoy your new suit. Mine took about 3 months as well, back in early 2020. Well worth the wait, I love this thing. If you've been diving wet in oar-eee-gun, I think you'll find the drysuit to be a much better tool for the job.

What sort of undergarments are you looking at?
Congrats, I think you'll enjoy your new suit. Mine took about 3 months as well, back in early 2020. Well worth the wait, I love this thing. If you've been diving wet in oar-eee-gun, I think you'll find the drysuit to be a much better tool for the job.

What sort of undergarments are you looking at?
This is my fourth drysuit. I started with a Bare NexGen (I wish I had back), bought a USIA custom, that is suffering from a bad batch of Techni-Flex fabric and seems to defy all leak fixes, and finally a Bare compressed neoprene (don’t remember the name). I like the warnth of compressed neoprene, but don’t like the range of motion

Don’t ask me about fins :)

There must be a 12 step program out there for me
Oh I see, I misunderstood what you meant by being dry at the end of the dive 😆

Well, I can't speak to whether it will do you better than your Usia or Bare suits. But, mine's treated me pretty well, and the only leaks I've had have been from the drygloves (user error) and the neck seal (not sure what can be done about that, perhaps better trimming, or shaving the neck hairs, or just not craning my neck). No leaks yet through the suit itself. But my suit is still a little too young for that to be likely anyway, I'd be surprised if you get suit leaks within a few years.

The tape and glue system they have seems to seal up pretty well. Do follow the SeaSkin instructions to go nuts with the talcum powder though, the tape on the inside is really sticky without it!


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