Good point, thanks.
In my mind, although it was a general info post, I was replying to the OP who has transmitter that uses the 3V 1/2AA.
Do you know a brand other than Varta that makes the 3V 1/2AA with the nub on the negative end?
That's just why I wanted to add the note there, as most lay people wouldn't necessarily even realize that the suunto transmitter and suunto tank pod are different, much less that they took different batteries.
Your post actually answered some questions for me as I have a tank pod and keep extras of the ls 14250 around for changing the battery, but have looked at the varta to try to sort out why the battery change kits are even different between the two. The varta having the poles reversed and a lower voltage answers that question.
I don't know who else makes a 1/2aa configured like the varta. Fortunately, the varta seems to be readily available.