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I'm just thankful he had his gathering-bag snap bolted covering his tight boy-toy-sorts, saving us more shock value!

The sad thing is, I know that guy. When I showed him the picture, he said he wasn't in that good of shape anymore, and would be too embarrassed in that outfit these days.

I just wish he had the sense to be embarrassed about swimming in them, in those days...
The sad thing is, I know that guy. When I showed him the picture, he said he wasn't in that good of shape anymore, and would be too embarrassed in that outfit these days.

I just wish he had the sense to be embarrassed about swimming in them, in those days...

yeah... I remember that guy. he got his Red Ford Truck keyed at the jetties that day by some little oriental woman who thought you got her parking space.

bitch stole my antenna smiley ball also....
I just wish he had the sense to be embarrassed about swimming in them, in those days...

MmmmHmmm...us to

and my chest strap doesn't fit where yours does. Mine is more of a neck strap.
no... this isn't to be confused with your "pearl necklace"

Those weren't even mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(That doesn't help any does it):shakehead:
They were borrowed!!!!!

(That still doesn't help any does it)
slide up when under water?

...what does being under water have to do with it? I made some small adjustments the last time I went diving. I think I had the chest and shoulder straps too tight. It was causing the back plate to ride too high and the tank to hit me in the back of the head and the top of the plate to dig into my upper back. It felt better and more trimmed out after that so I hope I have it adjusted now so that the weight will be more evenly distributed and I won't get muscle cramps in my shoulders and neck.

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