I've dove with Randy more times than I can count....... He conducts his dives as safely as one can conduct this type of dive. That said, the trips he conducts are definitely "advanced" in nature..... You are expected to be at the "second nature" experience level with all things SCUBA-related such as buoyancy, MOD, gas and bottom time monitoring, drift diving, reel and lift bag deployment, etc.. No one gets coddled like happens on countless Caribbean cattle boats. Newby divers are routinely turned away.....
Dive briefings begin at the dock with a statement to the effect that we are purposely going out to bait, attract, and feed sharks.... they will come, there will me many (on most days) and they will be big. Anyone not comfortable with this is invited to disembark with no ill feelings. On the actual dives, 1st time participants are relegated to a vantage point on top of a wreck a good 30 feet above and behind where the feeding is taking place.... Only after a certain comfort level is observed are new participants invited down for a closer look. No one handles bait or feeds sharks other than Randy and/or his employed diver(s).
I've done a lot of crazy shite both in and out of the water..... I am still walking this earth through a mixture of dumb luck and the grace of God..... I can tell anyone here from personal experience that Randy's shark feeding dives are neither reckless nor conducted unsafely...... That said..... shite happens once you separate ass from couch.
"Diving isn't safe, but it can be done safely." - I could not have summed it up any better....