I'll need an electrical site saturday morning and night. I sent an email, but guess I need to call to reserve the spot.harleyridernc2003:I contacted Rawlings regarding fees/reservations.
Pertainent info is:
non-electric sites 8$ pp
electric ones are 30$ for 4p and 8$ ea. additional body
under 3 is FREE (acting such as may count, I qualify!)
NO bath houses (so bring water should you need a monthly "tooth" brushing
reservations are not needed for the non-electric sites, but I talked w/ Scott and told him we may want to try to co-locate and said to let him know what numbers we be talking.
I'm not sure if my gf Denise and her 2 (12 yo bOy/7 yo gUrl) are coming, either way I'm thinking of an electric site and still have room to share either way. As it stands today, I'm arriving Fri eve and leaving sat late afternoon.
www / #'s for Rawlings are:
1.800.583.3781 / 1.804.478.9000
But, I am in. And, three weeks ago it was chilly here in the mid-atlantic. Lately it's been warm and muggy. By July... ugh. Let's hope we'll need sweatshirts at night. That would be nice.