What a great loss, but I noticed he died of emphysema. A sorry state I must say. My father died the same way. And to his dying day never admitted that cigarettes caused his demise. even after all the tests showed it was the cause. Denial I guess. Mr. Carson and alot of others of his age smoked alot in their earlier days, it was the thing to do. The US miltary also helped in a big number of cases, to get them started smoking. It will kill all of them if they don't stop! I currently work with a group of guys who either chew or smoke or both at work, and it makes me sick to watch them, as I have seen first hand what that will get you in the long run. This is not to mention the smell, and spit on the grounds that I have to work in, and the smell. I have a friend who thinks all this hype about cigarettes is a bunch of balony. He says, he has been smoking for 35 years, and look at him. He just had his first heart attack at 45 and is still smoking! Denial all the way. Maybe Just one person will quit smoking, due to Mr Carsons death, but I am not holding my breath. May he rest in peace now. BTW.... If you smoke now, STOP, so you don't suffer a similar fate.