Mark Vlahos
When I buy things on eBay I don't place any bids until the last day or so. This prevents me from buying somthing I have changed my mind on. When I do bid I usually make only one bid and that is for the highest amount I am willing to pay, not a penny more, and not a penny less. If someone bids a lower amount in the last few seconds I win, If someone bids a higher amount in the last few seconds they win at a price higher than I would have paid anyway. If nobody else bids on the item I win at the lowest price based on a reserve and the increment above other early bids.
If you already know what size fins will fit then this is one of the few things I would consider getting from Leisure Pro. When I bought my Jets I did not know precisely what size to get so I got them from my LDS and paid the slightly higher price in return for the service provided in assisting me with sizing. I made this choice as an informed choice.
Mark Vlahos
If you already know what size fins will fit then this is one of the few things I would consider getting from Leisure Pro. When I bought my Jets I did not know precisely what size to get so I got them from my LDS and paid the slightly higher price in return for the service provided in assisting me with sizing. I made this choice as an informed choice.
Mark Vlahos