So, I was forced to do the back to back comparison early because I loaned out my gear and then had to dive unexpectedly. Here's the poop...
The initial sensation upon entering the water in the splits was that I had forgotten to don my fins entirely. The complete absence of resistance was a bit un-nerving at first and I had to remind myself that I had been very fond of the Twin Jets at one point in time. After the first 15 minutes of the dive all was again well, and I don't recall thinking about the change in propulsion at all until I had to make a high speed Hogfish intercept and thought to myself, "Woo, I sure am going fast!" 'Cause I was. I captured the Hog.
So, in the end I like both fins very much. They are both good at doing different stuff. Like bowling shoes and golf shoes they each shine in their own arena and stink in the other's. For anything that requires covering a lot of ground I choose the splits. For precise and instantanious control of where I am underwater, the jets. I think that I'll hang on to both sets.