Japanese open fire on Sea Shepherd crew

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These animals should be hunted for necessity, not for cultural purposes. There are many here that agree that human life should be preserved and it is a far stretch from killing a whale. So, would you support cannibalism? Do you think that if every part of a human body is used that it's ok to hunt and eat them? Cannibalism once was a cultural activity but we don't have that around much anymore do we? Cultural aspect is not a good enough reason in my opinion.

We have to eat, and I eat meat. Therefore, I always kill animals for necessity (or someone else does it for me like if I buy meat at the market).

Cannibalism was not done for food purposes (except like on lost at sea rafts, or wrecked planes) but more as a way to aquire the strenght and courage of the adversary. I dont think humans hunted humans for food. They were casualties of war. If some tribes in amazonia are still canibalistic, well, It's none of my business. It's their culture.
That being said, Native populations in the US have special provisions that give them the right to harvest.

One rule for Americans, another rule for the Japanese?
That's my point .. what is a traditional weapon? what time period do you use? what era? do we say that you cant use a motor on a boat? ... those "traditional weapons" changed throughout history ... and who are you/us to decide what is traditional for another culture ?

Edit: sorry, didn't read your whole post [bad me] ... I guess us deciding what is correct for another culture is a button of mine, me being part Native American
I think if "traditional" hunting is part of the game...use traditional weapons. It's more or less about preserving culture?


But then, you will have to accept the fact that they wont often use the less painfull way to kill. Quite the contrary in fact...
That's my point .. what is a traditional weapon? what time period do you use? what era? do we say that you cant use a motor on a boat? ... those "traditional weapons" changed throughout history ... and who are you/us to decide what is traditional for another culture ?

good point there
One rule for Americans, another rule for the Japanese?

Two rules for Americans. One for Native populations, and one for the general population. This is all about treaties and "assurances." It's a sordid tale at best and centuries old.

In my eyes "traditional" means - the tools and methods that my ancestors used to preserve and maintain culture. That's really up to the village elders to decide what constitutes "traditional." As stated, they are very, very knowledgeable with respect to sustainable populations, and the politics therein. Their way makes a heck of a lot of sense.


BTW- let's not try to paint each other into corners here. I've been at this stuff for 3 decades. Boxing people into corners has little to do with personal "activism." In the end, you support and believe what you want. Supplying relevant facts helps.
"Traditional" methods cause many times the suffering as modern ones. If the culture is simply to have something as part of your diet why is "traditional" better? Does the meal taste better?

It's not a religious ceremony.
I think that sport hunting is a disgusting hobby. Killing for the sake of killing is not necessary. Hunting for necessity is another thing completely.

You are, of course, free to think that. I am a hunter. My father taught me to hunt and I taught my son to hunt. What you are not free to do is to try and stop me from hunting.
"Traditional" methods cause many times the suffering as modern ones. If the culture is simply to have something as part of your diet why is "traditional" better? Does the meal taste better?

It's not a religious ceremony.

Kim, when you visit and spend time with a Native "Inuit" community you might have something to ad. Other than that, you're talkin' off the top of your head here.

Kim, when you visit and spend time with a Native "Inuit" community you might have something to ad. Other than that, you're talkin' off the top of your head here.
How? I don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that killing a whale slowly with hand thrown harpoons is going to cause far more distress than an explosive harpoon.

Please.... are you arguing this point?

If anyone is going to hunt and kill surely doing it in the most humane way is best? Killing whales isn't as simple as most other animals as they're so big....but I have a feeling that if I was a whale and had to choose between the hopefully quick death of an explosive harpoon in my brain, or the drawn out "traditional" harpoons that are designed to weaken me from loss of blood until I finally succumb....I'd probably take the explosives.

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