January '05 Dive Reports

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You guys are soooo lucky. Too cold to get wet here (well at least for me). It's a sunny 0 deg here and the water temp, well FoGet Abowt It. Since I cannot get wet yet, it's a pleasure reading and looking at the pics. Thanks much and keep 'em coming.

Dive Smart; Dive Safe
Enjoy the ride
Date: Jan 22, 2005 Jim McCabe and Melvin Pasley
Dive Location: Laguna Beach Deadman’s Reef
Time: 9:20 a.m.
Bottom Time: 9:20 minutes
Max Depth: 59fsw
Vis: Wasn’t any until I turned on my light, then maybe 3 feet or less
Wave height: 1-2 feet with occasional 4 foot coming in.
Temp at depth: 59 Suunto Degrees
Surface Temp: 61 Suunto Degrees
Tide information: 7:02 a.m. 5.63 feet High Tide, 2:33 p.m. PST -0.66 feet Low Tide

Swam out to Deadman’s Reef and dropped down. At about 30 feet it became very dark. At 40 feet it was as dark as a moonless night. I retrieved my light and could barely make out 3 feet or so. We tried to continue on with the dive but kept swimming into the ocean floor as we could not see it. Aborted the dive for another day.

Date: Jan 22, 2005 Jim McCabe and Melvin Pasley
Dive Location: Laguna Beach, Crescent Cove West Side
Time:10:17 a.m.
Bottom Time: 11:50 minutes
Max Depth: 30 FSW
Vis: 8 feet or less
Wave height: 1-2ft with the occasional 4 ft.
Temp at depth: 59 Sunnto Degrees
Surface Temp: 61 Suunto Degrees
Tide information:7:02 a.m. 5.63 feet High Tide, 2:33 p.m. PST -0.66 feet Low Tide
Comments:On way back in from Deadman’s we decided to try the reef at Crescent Cove west side as the visibility might be better in the shallows. It was, but not by much and there was a bit of surge. Swam into shore underwater and called it a day.
Date: Jan 22, 2005 Claudete, Carlos, and myself
Dive Location: Point Dume Pinnacles
Time: 2:30PM
Bottom Time: 25 min
Max Depth: 51 feet
Vis: 10-15 inches, sometimes opening up to 2 feet
Wave height: 3-4 feet with occasional 6 foot coming in.
Temp at depth: 58
Tide information: low tide at 2:30, minus .6

Carlos, claudette, and I watched large and very large waves crash on shore at zuma beach. Luckily there were 60-second lulls. Once we received the sign (carlos taking his sneaker off), we suited up.

We had planned on entering point dume in the cove by walking over there, but the tide wasn't low enough, so we entered at the beach. My timing was poor, so I was soon face-to-face with a very large wave, which I quickly ducked under, but not before it swept my fin from my hand. Luckily I found my fin when I kicked it with my foot. Claudette and calos had better luck as they had more patience than me.

There was no current today, and we dropped down into 40 feet of water off the south side of the most southerly 2nd pinnacle. We felt the bottom before we saw the bottom, because there was no visibility. We still managed to see a few octopus, a goby, several lobster, a sheep crab, and a spanish shawl.

there was no current coming back, and getting back on shore was fairly straight forward as the lulls were over a minute.

I think we all just needed to get into the water, and although we didn't see much, it was better than the bathtub.

Dive#1: Scripps Canyon-Sumner Branch

Date: 01/22/05

Time: 0759

Vis 2-10 Mostly 8

Air Temp: 58

Water Temp 58, at depth, 57

Max Depth: 111 feet

total dive time:: 54:30

Images: http://www.scubapost.net/gallery/ScrippsCanyonandGodsRockdives


Nate, Kelly, Max, Jeff and I boarded the panga at La Jolla Boat ramp and made the short motor over to the gate buoy at Scripps for the first dive. Nate and I geared up and after a final gear check we started our descent. Vis up top was a respectable 10ft maybe more vertically. As we passed 50ft it got darker and darker. When we reached the bottom, the first thing that came to mind was "GOT MILK" cause it was a white foggy vis of maybe 5-8ft. We turned west and followed the wall face down and down and down. Cracks held the usual suspects of gobies, small cabezon, starfish and the occasional Metridium. Large tube anemones waved at us as we passed by. Several nudibranch species were seen as well as non-legal lobster and several larger octopus. At our turn pressure and end of NDL we returned to the gate and started out slow ascent. Large 2-3 inch Spanish Shawls were on the gate today and although I had previously sworn off taking any more pictures of them, when they are this large it's hard to resist.

Up the line we went, inspecting the life growing on the line as we made out off gassing ascent. All too quickly it was time to surface and returned to the boat. Kelly didn't dive as he had a cold so he motored over and picked us up having just returned from checking out the surf at Blacks.

Dive#1: Gods Rock/ La Jolla Kelp beds

Date: 01/22/05

Time: 0932

Vis 10-15feet

Air Temp: 65

Water Temp 58, at depth, 57

Max Depth: 71 feet

Total Dive Time: :49:25


After a short surface interval we motored over to Gods Rock. The waves were pounding Boomers and the Cove but out on the kelp all was smooth and quiet. Nate and I again geared up and dropped in. Visibility here was between 10-15 mostly. Water was a warm 57 from top to bottom. Kelly's excellent navigation put us right on top of the rock and we began to explore its many over hangs and small arches. Lobster large and small and out of reach were in abundance. Huge schools of juvenile blacksmith swirled around the top of the structure. Ling cod and cabezon eyed us warily as we passed. up and over, down and under, we had a great tour of the sight until the NDL and Nates wetsuit drove up back up the line and onto to the boat. All in all, not a bad way to start the weekend.

Terry S.
1/23/2005, San Diego - Three Fingers Reef, Ruby E


Date: 1/23/2005
Time: 8:38am
Location: Point Loma, 3 Fingers Reef
Air Temp: 57 degrees
Water Temp 57 degrees
Max Depth 73 feet
Bottom Time: 40:40
Details: A nice warm day, mixed with some fog on off Point Loma kelp beds.
We motored to the site, moving around and through the kelp until we located out site with GPS. We dropped into green murky waters with less than 5 feet of visibilty to start with. We crusing around the rocks, exploring the abundant life on 3 Fingers Reef. We saw the usual suspects: A few types of rockfish, some nudis, a nice sized Lingcod, many Painted Greenlings, several types of Perch, and more. The had some surge on the site, which seemed to increase as we headed West. When out air was low, we headed up to our safety stop exiting 50 yards away from the boat.

Date: 1/23/2005
Time: 10:42am
Location: Wreck Alley, Ruby E
Air Temp: 57 degrees
Water Temp 57 degrees
Max Depth 78 feet
Bottom Time: 36:00
Description: We headed over to the Ruby E and tied up with the DnD2 from Gottadive.com. Just as we entered the water they tied our boat to the bouy as we kicked over. We dropped down the line and decended into worse vis than 3 fingers. After a few minutes I had a visual of the wreck and we crusied around the decks, looking for critters. I was surprised to find just 2 nudis, having encountered a number of critters before. We saw a big Lingcod who was lounging on the front of the boat, eventually swimming away. We followed him around the structure, circling around to find him occupying the same spot as before. There were several blacksmith, perch, many Painted Greenlings and some others just out of view. After 30 minutes we headed up the line, returining to the boat and heading into the Dana Landing by 12pm.
Although the vis was less than ideal, we enjoyed both dives out on the San Diego bay in beautiful sunshine!


Date: 01/25/05
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores North and East Wall
Time: 18:30
Dive Time: 51:05
Max Depth: 80ft
Vis: 10-15
Wave height: waist high but short sets and no real power
Temp at depth: 57
Surface Temp: 57
Tide information: way the heck out

Sean and I geared up and headed out into the calm night ocean. The dolphins seen earlier did not come join our dive but the vis was nice, the water was warm and life was out in force. Images from the dive can be seen here: http://www.scubapost.net/gallery/NightattheShores

It was a nice night out. See you all next time.

Terry and I dived the North wall westward then kicked over to the other side kicking east until we ran low on air and had to head for home. The vis was definitly improved, maybe 15 feet in spots. Lots of life around, with a strong current off the south side of the North Wall. We found the spot like clockwork, dropping right above the edge
of the wall in about 65 feet. It was 57 degrees, and we had 45 minutes of bottom time. We saw a few dolphins swimming when we got to the Shores. The swells were 2-3 footers when we exited, but maybe 1 foot when we entered into a rising tide about 1 hour from the low. I don't know what it is, but I really enjoy diving these sites repeatedly! Here are my pictures:


I hope you like them!

Terry and I dived the North wall westward then kicked over to the other side kicking east until we ran low on air and had to head for home. The vis was definitly improved, maybe 15 feet in spots. Lots of life around, with a strong current off the south side of the North Wall. We found the spot like clockwork, dropping right above the edge
of the wall in about 65 feet. It was 57 degrees, and we had 45 minutes of bottom time. We saw a few dolphins swimming when we got to the Shores. The swells were 2-3 footers when we exited, but maybe 1 foot when we entered into a rising tide about 1 hour from the low. I don't know what it is, but I really enjoy diving these sites repeatedly! Here are my pictures:


I hope you like them!

Thanks, Sean, for letting me tag along electronically and vicariously. Lovely set of photos...I especially appreciated the octopus and squid images.
Thank you for posting them!
Terry & Sean,

Thanks for posting the report and your pics... looks like you guys had another awesome dive!

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