1/23/2005, San Diego - Three Fingers Reef, Ruby E
Date: 1/23/2005
Time: 8:38am
Location: Point Loma, 3 Fingers Reef
Air Temp: 57 degrees
Water Temp 57 degrees
Max Depth 73 feet
Bottom Time: 40:40
Details: A nice warm day, mixed with some fog on off Point Loma kelp beds.
We motored to the site, moving around and through the kelp until we located out site with GPS. We dropped into green murky waters with less than 5 feet of visibilty to start with. We crusing around the rocks, exploring the abundant life on 3 Fingers Reef. We saw the usual suspects: A few types of rockfish, some nudis, a nice sized Lingcod, many Painted Greenlings, several types of Perch, and more. The had some surge on the site, which seemed to increase as we headed West. When out air was low, we headed up to our safety stop exiting 50 yards away from the boat.
Date: 1/23/2005
Time: 10:42am
Location: Wreck Alley, Ruby E
Air Temp: 57 degrees
Water Temp 57 degrees
Max Depth 78 feet
Bottom Time: 36:00
Description: We headed over to the Ruby E and tied up with the DnD2 from Gottadive.com. Just as we entered the water they tied our boat to the bouy as we kicked over. We dropped down the line and decended into worse vis than 3 fingers. After a few minutes I had a visual of the wreck and we crusied around the decks, looking for critters. I was surprised to find just 2 nudis, having encountered a number of critters before. We saw a big Lingcod who was lounging on the front of the boat, eventually swimming away. We followed him around the structure, circling around to find him occupying the same spot as before. There were several blacksmith, perch, many Painted Greenlings and some others just out of view. After 30 minutes we headed up the line, returining to the boat and heading into the Dana Landing by 12pm.
Although the vis was less than ideal, we enjoyed both dives out on the San Diego bay in beautiful sunshine!