I'm with Terry! If I can't be in the water, I may as well read a great report from someone who has.HBDiveGirl:Date: 1/6/05
Dive Location: Vet's Park, Redondo Canyon
Time: 5:00 PM
Bottom Time: 51 minutes
Max Depth: 78fsw
Vis: 25 vertical, 20 - 25 horizontal
Wave height: 1 foot
Temp at depth:56 F
Surface Temp: 58 F
Tide information: 2 hours before high tide
Comments: It was a beautiful sunset and a great night for diving. Met Scott R. (notFiji) at 4:30 PM. Easy walk-in entry, and gasps of delight to look down and see the bottom clearly before dropping down at 23 fsw. Lights off for a while and the twilight settled in. Many swimming crabs everywhere, and piles of spiny mole crab molts. Squid eggs started around 60 fsw, more around 75, including some huge clusters. 5 sarcastic fringeheads: one out and about, 4 firmly planted in shells. A little shy octopus in an astrea shell. Then, the floor was suddenly COVERED with little decorator crabs...I'm mean, Indiana Jones style, edge-to-edge carpeting in crawly things! Most about 2.5 inches across, many carrying smaller (<3/4 inch) crabs. This continued for about 30-40 yards. Big patch of loose eel grass with 4 or 5 pipe fish in it. A couple of navernax, a couple of sea hares, a couple of moon snails, Kellet's whelks everywhere. Oddly, not a single red/pink scorpion fish, and I usually see dozens resting on the muddy bottom in this area. Buzzed by curious sea lions 3 times. Then back across the sandy flats, with several thornback rays, a little bat ray, and several dozen vertical sand dollars. The coldest part of the dive was the glacial wind in the parking lot...took 15 minutes in a hot bath to get my toes to pink up again.
It was a great winter night for diving!