The bridge debris plan was a separate item for the DOT and DEM, not part of any greater conservation, management, or reef-building plan.
It is true that the DEM would have to be involved in creating any wrecks/reefs, but as you state this is not likely to be a State initiative.
A motivated body in the community would need to lobby hard to make something happen.
I would suggest that anyone with an interest in this, contact the Artificial reefs comittee chairman at RISAA (Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association). They are well over 5000 members strong and have been doing this very thing for a while now.
My point is that the russian sub was a missed opportunity for this. The vessel was slated for the junkyard, and this is after a significant government investment to clean it up for museum purposes. At this stage, the pitch to sink versus scrap would have been better received than at any other time, as the enviro impact versus enhancement could easily be quantified.
I couldn't agree more. We missed out on the Brenton Reef Tower years ago as well.
It went to NJ to help their Artificial Reef Program.
We have 3 yesrs left in monitoring the bridge debris reefs, at which point, I think the State will have a better understanding of the ecological value of such things, and be more receptive to future articial reef programs.
I hope this turns some heads and someone realizes the opportunity that is there.