Jacket Style BCD Recommendations

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Mouth Breather once bubbled...
Stand back!!!

I can see Metridiums fingers moving toward his keyboard...DON'T DO IT MAN!!! THERE ARE INNOCENT BYSTANDERS AROUND...THINK BEFORE YOU TYPE!!!

Arghhh!!! Too late...Scuba diving men, women, and children, their hopes and dreams of having fun while diving with anything but a BP,in flames and crashing to the ground. Oh the humanity....
Mouth Breather wrote...
No, I'm paying TWICE what you did for MORE capability. A well padded, comfortable against bare skin,....
So you're tacitly admitting finally that degree of comfort does make a difference in how much fun you're having?

That wasn't so hard, now was it?

Mouth Breather wrote...
You are telling ME what is better for ME. Just like you tell EVERYONE that doesn't have a BP what is better for THEM. Just because it works for YOU doesn't mean it works for ALL.
More red herrings...:rolleyes: Nope, I'm telling you what's better for me and why. YMMV, but that's up to you to determine.


Wow, this thread is up to a ridiculous 82 replies so far. Think anyone besides you, me, Leadweight, and Rick has made it this far? :wink:

Looking back over my posts, I stepped away from being polite in my responses to you on a couple of occasions. My apologies, despite some provocation.

Since we've degenerated into arguing semantics now, instead of gear, what say we put this thread to rest?
DiverBuoy once bubbled...

On the PADI DVD it shows that the Jacket BC and tank should be situated in such a way that the tank valve be even/flush with the top of the nape at the back of the neck of the BC. Many popular BCs come with a tank loop that when used stops the tank from riding higher. So in reality this is just a suggestion? ... are you saying instead the loop should be tucked out of the way and the tank positioned higher in the band?

I guess I'm saying that the loop is irelevant. Tank and weights should be positioned for trim and valve accessability. I see divers with the tank valve halfway down their back. How does one even recover a droped reg? Don't say arm sweep as this requires the diver to be vertical and accept for when at the surface we don't want to be vertical.

To be able to lean my head back and touch the first stage is a comfort not a problem.

I have recently noticed that there are several bc's on the market that don't give you any choice about where the tank is mounted. The designer is clueless.

I start students with the top of the bc (if using one) about even with the bottom of the valve. Form there we move the tank as needed. That position is usually a little too low but that depends on the diver and the other equipment being used.
metridium once bubbled...
So you're tacitly admitting finally that degree of comfort does make a difference in how much fun you're having?

That wasn't so hard, now was it?

Doh!!! I have always said that a regular BC was more comfortable when diving without a suit. I have never let the amount of enjoyment I have in a dive be affected by my BC.
Jeans are more comfortable than slacks, but I don't have any less of a good time during the day because I'm wearing one or the other.

Your arguement has always been that a BP was superior to all other BC's regardless of who the diver or what the dive (except some UW photo shoots)

You are the one who tries to force his BP onto everyone on the board and the reaction you have had from Leadweight, me, and a few others on this and other threads reflects how we feel about that.

I want a BP for thick wetsuit double diving because the straps don't bother me as long as I have a heavy suit on. I have always said that I would have fun diving in anything. You have never been able to use the "F" word to describe a possible diving experience without anything but a BP.

metridium once bubbled...

Wow, this thread is up to a ridiculous 82 replies so far. Think anyone besides you, me, Leadweight, and Rick has made it this far? :wink:

Looking back over my posts, I stepped away from being polite in my responses to you on a couple of occasions. My apologies, despite some provocation.

Since we've degenerated into arguing semantics now, instead of gear, what say we put this thread to rest?

I have always said that whatever works for an individual on a particular dive is the "best". You have always said that "A BP is best...period". You can't even admit to being able to have fun diving in anything but a BP...seems like such an extreme position that it shouldn't surprise me how intractable you are...
Mouth Breather wrote...
1. Your arguement has always been that a BP was superior to all other BC's regardless of who the diver or what the dive (except some UW photo shoots)

2. You are the one who tries to force his BP onto everyone on the board ...

3. You have always said that "A BP is best...period".

4. You can't even admit to being able to have fun diving in anything but a BP...
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You left out statistics, but I guess that "two out of three ain't bad" applies in your case.

Try googling "mark twain" and "statistics" if you don't understand that comment. Or simply click here.

It's pretty pathetic when making up falsehoods is your debating tactic of last resort....or are you simply trolling for a lack of anything useful to contribute?

It's even more pathetic when your falsehoods contradict one another. Take a look at the logical inconsistencies between #1 and #3.

Also it should be clear to anyone of average intelligence and native reading ability that #4 is directly contradicted by this earlier comment:

metridium wrote...
I'd consider it only if my backplate somehow didn't make the trip and I couldn't find a better alternative, and the diving would be worth the extra discomfort.

BTW, you might ponder the sixth quote down on that link above.
Take your own advice and let it go Met. This is getting boring. The net effect of hijacking every BC discussion into a backplate thread is that it is going to run off any kind of diversity of opinion around here.
leadweight wrote...
Take your own advice and let it go Met. This is getting boring.
Agreed. When your comrade drops the BS, I'll stop correcting it.

leadweight wrote...
The net effect of hijacking every BC discussion into a backplate thread is that it is going to run off any kind of diversity of opinion around here.
Ever heard the old expression "it takes two to tango"?
leadweight once bubbled...
Take your own advice and let it go Met. This is getting boring. The net effect of hijacking every BC discussion into a backplate thread is that it is going to run off any kind of diversity of opinion around here.

Jeez Leadweight,

I could have saved myself 20+ posts and let you say it with that one. I tried to get some of my friends interested in the "Board" but they got turned off by how strident some of the members got in asserting their gear preferences. Most of my buddies just want to have a good time, get a little advice, and have someone say, "Well what worked for me may not be what works for you, but good luck and dive safe."

Anyway, again, well said Leadweight.

To Metridium,


Mark Twain...you used a Mark Twain quote to call me a "fool"...well I guess you win then!

I'll continue to make my own points if that's okay with you...

I'm sorry but I fail to see the "contradictions"...but for your sake I'll say it one more time. Other members besides me on this board have noted your propensity for "hijacking" discussions about BC's and making them a "BP's are better" thread. I'm sure they are for you...but that doesn't mean they are better for everyone else regardless of the type of dive they are on.

With regard to the tone of this thread, we can have a poll to see how many think your tone throughout this thread was much more humorless, arrogant, insulting, and condescending.

You toss out words like "pathetic, fool, BS, and ignorant" regularly in your posts, not just in this thread. Virtually anyone that disagrees with you is just a few messages away from one of your insults.

Read my posts in other threads, most of the time I am doing my best to spread good humor, the rest of the time, I am either asking questions, or offering a HUMBLE opinion (but never in the manner you do).

As heated as this thread has gotten at times, I still try humor to lighten things up a bit, but you invariably resort to insults.

While growing up I have had to deal with a lot of school yard bullies that want to force their will on everyone else around them, so none of this is new to me. When you can't make force others to accept your "gospel", quote Ghandi if you want, keep throwing insults, that's how we know it's you Metridium.
Mouth Breather wrote...
I'll continue to make my own points if that's okay with you...
Please do. Just don't make up stuff about me, or try to prevent me from making my own points, and we'll get along fine.

Mouth Breather wrote...
I'm sorry but I fail to see the "contradictions"...but for your sake I'll say it one more time. Other members besides me on this board have noted your propensity for "hijacking" discussions about BC's and making them a "BP's are better" thread. I'm sure they are for you...but that doesn't mean they are better for everyone else regardless of the type of dive they are on.
So what's the problem with me listing why I thought jacket-style BCs aren't the way to go? If you were worried about the thread being hijacked, why did you and Leadweight go round after round with me, instead of ignoring what would have been my one or two posts on the subject?

How about in future you say your piece, I'll say mine, we'll address any honest questions that come up, and that'll be that?

Mouth Breather wrote...
You toss out words like "pathetic, BS, and ignorant" regularly in your posts, not just in this thread. Virtually anyone that disagrees with you is just a few messages away from one of your insults.
A search for "Pathetic" shows only 3 posts in the archives, one of which was in response to your made-up "facts". Another was in reference to hotel service, and the third seems to be a glitch in the search function.

"BS" in this thread was in reference to your mischaracterizations about me. The search function won't pick up "BS" because it doesn't have enough letters, so I can't get a total on that. I use it very rarely, but feel free to count them yourself.

"Ignorant" shows up in only one post in the archives, and has nothing to do with any of what we're discussing.

This is what I mean about your mischaractizations and falsehoods. You claim I do it "regularly" and "not just in this thread". But the archives just don't bear you out...four (three really) posts out of almost 700 is not "regularly".

So are you going to admit you made a mistake about that? Nope, if you follow the pattern you've demonstrated in this thread, you'll just ignore it and go on to make more.

Mouth Breather wrote...
As heated as this thread has gotten at times, I still try humor to lighten things up a bit, but you invariably resort to insults.
I find your mischaracterizations and fabrications insulting, and I reciprocate. I try to be polite to most everyone, but tend to respond in kind if they're not polite in return.

Mouth Breather wrote...
While growing up I have had to deal with a lot of school yard bullies that want to force their will on everyone else around them, so none of this is new to me.
Who are you kidding that any one of us here can "force our will" on anyone else? I'm here to debate issues, to learn, and to try to help others. I couldn't care less what kind of BC you use.

You're reading a heck of a lot more into this than is really there.
metridium once blathered...
Please do. Just don't make up stuff about me, or try to prevent me from making my own points, and we'll get along fine.

So what's the problem with me listing why I thought jacket-style BCs aren't the way to go? If you were worried about the thread being hijacked, why did you and Leadweight go round after round with me, instead of ignoring what would have been my one or two posts on the subject?

How about in future you say your piece, I'll say mine, we'll address any honest questions that come up, and that'll be that?

A search for "Pathetic" shows only 3 posts in the archives, one of which was in response to your made-up "facts". Another was in reference to hotel service, and the third seems to be a glitch in the search function.

"BS" in this thread was in reference to your mischaracterizations about me. The search function won't pick up "BS" because it doesn't have enough letters, so I can't get a total on that. I use it very rarely, but feel free to count them yourself.

"Ignorant" shows up in only one post in the archives, and has nothing to do with any of what we're discussing.

This is what I mean about your mischaractizations and falsehoods. You claim I do it "regularly" and "not just in this thread". But the archives just don't bear you out...four (three really) posts out of almost 700 is not "regularly".

So are you going to admit you made a mistake about that? Nope, if you follow the pattern you've demonstrated in this thread, you'll just ignore it and go on to make more.

I find your mischaracterizations and fabrications insulting, and I reciprocate. I try to be polite to most everyone, but tend to respond in kind if they're not polite in return.

Who are you kidding that any one of us here can "force our will" on anyone else? I'm here to debate issues, to learn, and to try to help others. I couldn't care less what kind of BC you use.

You're reading a heck of a lot more into this than is really there.

Good...you admit to using words like "fool, ignorant, BS, and pathetic." How does one use words like that and not be negative? People like you always try to justify using words like that.

Metridium there is a BIG difference between "listing why I thought jacket-style BCs aren't the way to go" and the following quote from you when I said I wanted a Back Inflate BC for one type of diving and a BP for another.

metridium once bubbled...

Let me get this straight...
...you're buying yet another BC to address the failings of your old one...

...instead of getting a BP which you could have been using for both FUN diving and tech diving all this time?

So you're paying roughly TWICE what I did for the exact same capability?

I think I'd much rather put that money toward some FUN diving, but that's just me.

In case anyone hasn't noticed...I don't even use a jacket BC. I use a back inflate BC. I just happen to believe that once someone has made a decision about what is best for them, they don't want to be subjected this type of condescending reply...

metridium once more...with feeling

Let me get this straight...
...you're buying yet another BC to address the failings of your old one...

...instead of getting a BP which you could have been using for both FUN diving and tech diving all this time?

So you're paying roughly TWICE what I did for the exact same capability?

I think I'd much rather put that money toward some FUN diving, but that's just me.

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