OK I'm finally starting to recover... Wow once again A HUGE success for a Fall meetngreet. We had well over 40 people attend. throughout the weekend. Despite the bad weather on Friday. It did turn out to be nice on Saturday.. We once again had three full picnic tables full of food.
New rule for MNG!!! Not only now it is what happens at mng stays at mng, but what happens at the campsite stays at the campsite. Right???? a certain member of the group..
Rule Number 3a section two(2) DONT EVER BUDDY UP WITH DENNY(barracuda2)Unless you want to be banned from Gilboa for a lifetime

.We like to have very little rules and just let things govern themselves, but Every now and again ,you get that Rogue that has to play by his own rules and gives the rest of the group a black eye Right Denny?????

Maybe it is all of the cold water leaking into that 2000.00 dollar drysuit freezing up his brain.
I actually had fun diving in Gilboa this trip. I got to play buddy to Chris who was doing his check out dives with Ber Rabbit. It gave me a chance to see where some of my skill are getting week.. If you want to know where you need improvement work with someone doing their checkout dives. Not only is it fun, it will give you a chance to practice some of the things you havent done in a long long time.
For those of you who didnt go.. Well once again you missed out on a laugh a minute good time. The spring MNG will be the 24th through the 26th of April mark your Calenders now. Put in Vacation time for Friday and Monday you definatly need Monday off to recover.