Rule Number 3a section two(2) DONT EVER BUDDY UP WITH DENNY(barracuda2)Unless you want to be banned from Gilboa for a lifetime

Yea, but then I'll be breaking the solo diver rule and surely get banned!!!
We like to have very little rules and just let things govern themselves, but Every now and again ,you get that Rogue that has to play by his own rules and gives the rest of the group a black eye Right Denny?????
No problem---people my age have their own rules and can do aaaanything they want.
Maybe it is all of the cold water leaking into that 2000.00 dollar drysuit freezing up his brain.
Ted, you never took me up on my offers for you to be present when I undressed after a dry dive---what's with that??? I'm sure you've seen worse.
Ted, I was reticent to sit beside Denny at the campfire. And did'ja notice WHO Mike beside at the camp fire? Denny! I think he's telling Woz that he's keeping a sharp eye on him from now on.

But then maybe he chose that seat because it was beside the ever so good-looking KT.
Randy, I'm fairly certain it's the latter--KT adds warmth to the campfire.
Yea, Denny ... you should know better.

Mike sees Denny :rtfm: Denny says

... and then there I am :angel2:
In all honesty, it was much more my fault then Denny's. And then he went and took the heat from Mike. What a buddy!
Jim, you owe me big time!!!---You came out of that smelling like a rose. PVTstash came out well too because of his innocence. But exxxuuuuuuuuse meeeee, I got the full wrath and sarcasm of the Mike hammer plus all of the comments for the rest of the next 2 days, especially from the Ted and John duo. Let's see, how about dinner at the Red Pig next time we dive? By the way, great breakfast, Jim.
Hey all, it was a tremendous M & G. I really think the bar was raised a bit higher for the next M & G's we will certainly be having.
Ted, thanks so much for your generosity and willingness to serve; many times I saw you get up out of your chair, sometimes just after you sat down, to provide something for the group or an individual.
(like hooking up your DVD player so jchoby, kidsdream, and I could watch my Truk video) We all appreciate what you add to the M & G. and especially your willingness to share whatever you have.
John, we are all glad you made it on Sat. You are the other half of our campfire entertainment. I may not say much at the campfires, but I sure enjoy all the wit and humor pouring out of you and Ted.
(Ted, I wish you would speak your mind more; you need to learn to open up more.)
To everyone else, thanks for attending, thanks for all the food, and thank you all who took a chance and dove with me and didn't get into trouble.
I'll post some picts tomorrow. See you all
(and more I hope) in the spring.
OH--We forgot to get our group photo; Wait a minute--somebody forgot to bring the GLWC sign, so no photo op--darn!!