Islanders Protest Approval of 4th Cruise Ship Dock

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Got this forwarded to me this morning. Not completely versed on Mexico's Judicial system but it appears that their equivalent to an injunction was issued halting the forth pier. It appears that a hearing will take place tomorrow

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Press release
Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo, February 2, 2022



On January 5, 2022, the โ€œConcession title granted in favor of the company MUELLES DEL CARIBE, S.A. was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation. DE CV, to use and take advantage of public domain assets of the Federation, consisting of a federal maritime zone for the construction, operation, use and exploitation of a Cruise Ship Maritime-Port Terminal, for private use, National property, located in the Municipality of Cozumel Island, outside the limits of the Port Precinct, in the State of Quintana Roo.โ€
On January 26, 2022, the ISLA COZUMEL CITIZEN GROUP, filed, with the legal support of the CENTER AGAINST DISCRIMINATION, A.C. (CECODI), an amparo before the Federal Judicial Power, in order to achieve the suspension of the work, indicating as responsible authorities the President of the Republic, the Communications and Transportation Secretariat, the Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat and the of Finance and Public Credit, because the "Right to the City" of the people of Cozumel was not respected and put the island's ecosystem at risk.
The amparo proceeding was filed with file number 62/2022 of the Third District Court in Cancun, in charge of Judge PAMELA Lร“PEZ SWAIN who, by order dated January 28, 2022, admitted the claim in the proposed terms and had the company MUELLES DEL CARIBE, SA as an injured third party DE C.V., concessionaire of the mega project. February 28 was designated for the constitutional hearing to be verified.
Judge Lรณpez Swain considered that the promoters of the amparo legitimately represent the interests of the inhabitants of Cozumel and fight for the right to the City and the environment of the people of Cozumel, which is why she granted the provisional suspension of the work so that , without paralyzing the administrative acts or procedures related to the concession title of the work, the execution of the works subject to said
instrument, until it is resolved on the definitive suspension. February 4, 2022 was set for the incidental hearing to take place.
It is important to note that, in the Judge's opinion, with the suspension of the act it is possible to protect the social interest, as there is a possible risk of violation or alteration of the ecosystem (right to the environment), which is why I believe that the measure was granted. provisional suspension without demanding any guarantee from the complainants.
The CITIZEN COLLECTIVE ISLA COZUMEL, is a group of people from Cozumel, concerned about the sustainable development of the Island and the well-being of its inhabitants, which has organized itself to fight for the protection of human rights on the island. Some of their activities can be seen in the following links:
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The CENTER AGAINST DISCRIMINATION, AC (CECODI), is a non-profit civil association that fights for the respect and protection of the human rights of people in Mexico, through strategic litigation actions ( mx).

Good for them, although I remain non-optimistic about the probability of their ultimate success in their efforts to block the project permanently.
Nice news altho I doubt that it'll last.
Back in the 90,s when the puerta maya Pier was propossed lots of local opposition. I remember a protest parade included taxis. mexicos version of 60. minutes did a long segment on the project in a very critical way. But powers that be got the taxi union to support it. Got built and rumors about how badly it was built. Wilma in 2005 showed the flaws in construction. Hate the thought of a fourth pier but the island has sold its soul to the cruise industry
But powers that be got the taxi union to support it. but the island has sold its soul to the cruise industry
1) Based on the conversations I've had with taxi drivers, they'd be loathe to support another pier.
2) This project has nothing to do with the island selling it's soul, and everything to do with the accumulation of pesos by a few.
Petitions are useless, looking at which locals might benefit from cruising business is closer, but more likely it's whose palms are being greased that is the key. And this exists everywhere. Here's just one instance from a NY community:

A $600 million mega-project developer Bruce Ratner wanted to build in Yonkers was approved after a former Yonkers City Councilwoman dropped her opposition to the deal in exchange for bribes, a Manhattan Federal Court jury found Thursday.
Sandy Annabi, 41, was found guilty of corruption and faces up to 15 years in prison after a six-week trial in which prosecutors said she voted for Ratner's Ridge Hill residential/commercial project in return for $175,000 in cash, gifts and jewelry from her cousin Zehy Jereis.
1) Based on the conversations I've had with taxi drivers, they'd be loathe to support another pier.
Any reason why that's so? Just trying to understand. Seems like more ships = more fares.

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