Doctor Mike:
A pony bottle IMHO is for sudden gas loss (i.e. LP hose failure, first stage failure, or unstoppable free flow). These are not extremely rare, one happened to me.

This should be the only response in this thread! No need to be discussed or debated any further!
Hi flyboy08 and Doctor Mike:
It happened to me also. My first stage was preparing to go Mt. St. Helens on me at 80+ fsw (Anacapa Island). My instabuddy pointed toward the boat and then split.
I am starting to think that the boat owners who are so vehemently against pony bottles is because they are cocooned in their own little world. I wonder if they dive on charter boats. Or dive with tech divers. Or have witnessed certified or responsible solo divers diving. Maybe they don't know that on many charters, once you splash, your buddy may split at any moment. The scuba police don't cite buddy teams who are not diving responsibly.
Again, why are they so vehemently against someone trying to be self-reliant, even when buddy diving?
I understand that they are the masters of their boats, and their rules apply on their boats. That is the beauty of private ownership of anything.
Why are they trying so hard to dissuade us from using a pony responsibly while not on their boats?
My solo cert is ridiculed regularly because it is called "Self-Reliant Diver." It is for "independent" diving. PADI states that it also makes a diver a better buddy diver because they are more self sufficient. Self sufficient divers can avoid cascading issues if they can take care of themselves while their buddy observes and stands by to assist with a problem.
It is what it is. I hopefully can walk away from this thread. I am ready.