Anyone that tells you that you have nothing to worry about on Bonaire, in regards to theft, break-ins and petty crime in general, is simply not telling you the truth. The suggestion that if you get :hit: on Bonaire it was somehow YOUR fault, is hogwash. You need to know, Bonaire does not make public any list, record, or accounts of the crime on that island so the actual numbers are not really known. There is a high incidence of theft crime on that island, for its size and population. Also, be aware the "police", such as they are, will be useless, both in protecting you from crime and apprehending the criminals after you have been victim, IF YOU HAVE BEEN A VICTIM, which I'm sure you will not.
Having said all that, I think you will be fine at Buddys. Just do not rent a truck or car and do any shore dives. The accounts of break ins to rentals cars is staggering in volume. Most importantly, do not listen to people that claim to be experts on Bonaire, that claiim to go there many times a year over many years because invaribly they are people that make money on Bonaire, own stuff on Bonaire, and they will be adversley affected if everyone knows the truth about Bonaire.
Please contact me when you return. I'm sure you will be fine, just be careful and watch your stuff.

Not only amazingly arrogant, but downright WRONG

Few posting in this and other threads discussing this issue, have any vested interest in Bonaire, at all, but are trying to share their cumulative experience. And if someone does own property or a business in Bonaire they obviously cannot be believed?
Bonaire does not make public any list, record, or accounts of the crime on that island so the actual numbers are not really known.
no one knows the real facts because they are not published in any form.
There is a high incidence of theft crime on that island, for its size and population.
you know the facts better than all these other frequent visitors, business owners, or the public. And we are to believe you because?
Just do not rent a truck or car and do any shore dives.
So, your advice is to travel to an island famous for it's fabulous shore diving, where part of what makes this island so unique is all the sites easily accessible by road,
and then do what? Do all boat dives?
Sure, staying in a secure resort, and doing boat dives only, might provide a heightened sense of security, while parking a truck at a remote shore site may expose one to a bit more risk of someone rifling threw the truck while you are away from it for an hour or so.
And then you put down the common sense precautions about not exposing yourself, by carelessly doing EXACTLY the opposite of what visitors are always told is a safe precaution;
to leave nothing of value in a vehicle at a remote sire, and not to lock the doors, to avoid having window glass damaged if some one should try to search the empty truck.
Having had two vehicles damaged while parked at remote sites, one in Pennsylvania, and one in the Adirondacks in upstate NY, I can see the wisdom of this simple advice. In 6 or 7 trips to Bonaire we have never experienced any vehicle damages or losses, and neither has anyone else that we personally know, many who have visited Boanire far more times than we have.
I am sorry if I seem to come off stronger than I intend, but for several years now, in thread after thread this dead horse has been endlessly beaten by the same people who for their own reasons wish to magnify this problem way beyond it's reality. Crime does exist. Here, and everywhere else on this planet there are people who will take another person's property when they see an opportunity, and/or others who will foolishly expose themselves to needless risk.