SB Management has a policy of not deleting threads. They don't even moderate threads for accuracy; they say that it is up to the members to do that. So that is what we are doing: jumping all over this craziness. Actually, what this leads to is a waste of time by many folks and the danger that someone will read only the nonsense post and not the posts following....and thus might assume it is true...after all, it is on the internet.As a brand new member and this happens to be the first threat I click on. This just needs to be deleted entirely. This guy is a wackadoodle lunatic who watched a video and somehow bought into it. I thought you needed to be smarter than that to scuba dive or you just die underwater. No group should allow bald-faced conspiracy theories to be posted and spread. It's not even related to diving it's Loosely related to international travel. Definitely not a great introduction to the group or the community.
What we need is a rating system so we can indicate that the offending post is BS....but there are enough cantankerous folks on SB who would try to screw up that system that I doubt it would work.
There is no good solution.
If, however, you feel that a post has violated the ToS, posting that it has doesn't help; you need to report the post with your specific reason that the ToS has been violated.