This is neither a "system" nor a "process" but rather a holy-istic approach that the angels call DIR - Dancing It Right...
How did you think that all up and forget "Golden Rule #1"

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This is neither a "system" nor a "process" but rather a holy-istic approach that the angels call DIR - Dancing It Right...
I'm looking at the glass as half full on that one RJP and believing you are laughing with me and not at me.
I really enjoy it when Dan gets on here and posts because I remember learning from his stuff on the old techdiver list. DIR is not WKPP specific. There is plenty of information explaining this. For some context, what Trey and Dan were doing with respect to the technical diving community, particularly in the early 90s, was ground breaking. The practices were a disaster. Frankly, a significant part of the bafoonitry they were working against has been wiped out so as the DIR message pushes further the incremental gains aren't as obvious.
The stuff they were working against, independent doubles, abaondon your buddy when the SHTF, etc. were incremental changes that made peoples diving safer even if they never adopted all of the DIR standards at the time. Now, most technical divers are in backplates and a significant number are breathing the long hose. So, you have to be a little more careful with the incremental changes because some of them only mean increased safety if you understand the whole system.
As far as OW divers inquiring about DIR, here is the issue. Yes, most OW diving is so relatively safe the protocols intruduced by the whole DIR system don't significantly change your actual risk percentage. However, what they do tend to do is greatly reduce the number of near misses and make the overall diving experiences far more enjoyable. Unfortunately, in the pure OW diving context, it is harder to realize those benefits without having someone teach you the whole system and get you in the proper gear.
Sounds like a potential case of AIDS - "Aquatic Induced Divorce Syndrome".it would be nice to repurchase a bunch of gear to be DIR compliant and tell the missus I'm jetting off for some expensive courses etc... [but] I can't help but think that this would be the stuff that divorces are made of.
That description fits almost every cave diver I have ever met, including myself. Being part of a successful dive team is like any other personal or professional relationship - you just have to learn to "check your ego at the door". I have personally found that having everyone on the same page actually reduces many potential sources of conflict within a group. I often compare it to a professional sports team - certainly there are some huge egos there, but come game day, everybody puts on the same uniform and runs the plays out of the same playbook. It's a different sort of personal success - one that is based on several individuals all succeeding together rather than separately.DaleC:I am quite comfortable operating on my own, value the ability to make my own decisions and dislike over bearing personality types so I struggle with the way my personality would fit within such a highly structured group dynamic.
I think it would be entirely possible to create multiple systems that could be used successfully for recreational diving. In fact, it's been done already - just look at the number of rec training agencies that are out there to choose from. But as RTodd pointed out, rec diving is already statistically so safe that reducing the relative risk does not translate to much in the way of reducing accidents (i.e. "50% of nothing is still nothing").DaleC:I see [DIR] as the top of an inverted pyramid where there may be several optimal ways to dive. Hence my question as to whether a DIR rec could evolve that was different from DIR as it is now understood and whether transplanting cave DIR would be as optimal as developing an environment specific system such as DIR rec.
Hence my question as to whether a DIR rec could evolve that was different from DIR as it is now understood and whether transplanting cave DIR would be as optimal as developing an environment specific system such as DIR rec.
I appreciate all the good responses so far to what I know, could be a pretty good flame fest.
I ask this question because I saw a thread where Dive Rite responded to a question regarding reels in the DIR forum and someone "slayed" them for speaking in a DIR forum when they are not even a DIR vendor. I it is a process or system, then why look down upon vendors who offer similar products that can meet the requirements of the system. I ask this because I ahve seen it on a few DIR threads, and it perplexes me.