In case anybody hasn't noticed, the following quoted post was post #88 on a thread where the vast majority of posts have been within the unstated definition of "adult discussion." Adults do not need a definition of "adult discussion"; to paraphrase Thal in this thread, we know it when we see it.

NO, let's first straighten out the fact that if you don't let go of past transgressions between us I will resurrect the many demeaning names, disparaging character comments and lies you have made towards and about me, because I don't support your positions. There were many before I used an existing word to so aptly describe a group of similar minded members that the need for a definition has never been expressed, and there have been even more since.

Well ... now that this thread has been moved and re-opened, I say yes ... let's do that. But let's first define what constitutes "adult conversation".
Adult conversation does not include making up demeaning names for people who don't support your position ... as you have.
It does not include disparaging the character, competence, and experience level of people you disagree with ... as knowone did.
It does not include making up lies about people, or accusing them of killing a dive buddy ... as VooDooGasMan did about TSandM.
NO, let's first straighten out the fact that if you don't let go of past transgressions between us I will resurrect the many demeaning names, disparaging character comments and lies you have made towards and about me, because I don't support your positions. There were many before I used an existing word to so aptly describe a group of similar minded members that the need for a definition has never been expressed, and there have been even more since.