Now THAT's a dangerous sport! You can train for it but it's still 1000+ pounds of unpredictable hamburger with or without horns who would like to stomp on your head!
I don't cave dive because I'm claustrophobic. My cousin, a bull fighter/rodeo clown says I would make a good bull rider, I have a well balanced seat and a thigh grip when sitting on a horse. I don't ride bulls.
Cave diving involves a lot of training and the minimization of unpredictable occurences. Doesn't sound like a "most dangerous sport" to me. Now if you're doing it in a geologically active area, say on an active fault then it would fall into the "most dangerous" category.
I don't cave dive because I'm claustrophobic. My cousin, a bull fighter/rodeo clown says I would make a good bull rider, I have a well balanced seat and a thigh grip when sitting on a horse. I don't ride bulls.
Cave diving involves a lot of training and the minimization of unpredictable occurences. Doesn't sound like a "most dangerous sport" to me. Now if you're doing it in a geologically active area, say on an active fault then it would fall into the "most dangerous" category.