The other guys sharing the street with you. Let me tell you, the number of idiots on the street is something you cannot control or deal with effectively.
I couldn't agree more.....Out of all the things that I have done in the past....I have always felt that I will be taken out by someone as I am driving to work....It is one of the most dangerous things we will ever do...And most of us don't even think twice about it..I am not a Cave diver (I would love to be trained in it someday)..but from what I seen about it....It is like other "Extreme" activities....It is taking your skill set to the next level. Like Skydiving to BASE jumping or Running to 24 hr marathons. For the most part the people that choose to take it to that level, understand the risks...they are calculated risks. So, they get the training / right equipment and are able to participate in the sports for a long time w/ little or no injury. It is unfortunate, that the only exposure that most people have to these sports are incident reports on the 10 o'clock news...After some "Knuckle-Head" sees a Mountain Dew commercial and thinks it would be cool to buy a BASE Rig on Ebay an fling himself off of a local FM tower!...This is the kind of stuff that makes "Real TV"...not one of the thousands of successful scuba dives or skydives that end as planned..nice and safe ...for the next time. Thats not what sells. And it sheds a lot of negative light on "Extreme" sports. I'm sure some of you have 100+ cave dives....I have friends who have 100s of Base jumps w/ no injuries..So, if done the way it is supposed can be done safely (again, a calculated risk)...Anyway, sorry about the long post. I have had this crazy / dangerous conversation, too many times. You either understand why people gravitate to sports like that ...or you don't..there is no middle ground..So, whatever your "Thing" is Diving/flying/jumping/speeding, get the training / equipment..stay safe...the longer you are here...the more jumps/dives you can log.

and remember, over 200 people each year, in the US, poke out their own eye w/ a drinking straw. Now, that is dangerous.