Is anyone interested in becoming their own Travel Agent?

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Arnaud once bubbled...
...Be weary of so-called savings...

I for one will never be weary of savings! I quickly tire when spending too much, but savings will never wear me out!
"so-called" was the operative word, Chris. I'm all for discounts and savings, too. As long as they're real.
Arnaud once bubbled...
So it's probably just an omission when you don't mention that your card is not issued by IATA, but rather by your host agency?

Don't you think it's confusing for the reader who doesn't know anything about the subject matter?


It was not just an ommission, it was a mistake on my part. If you didn't know, this thread is almost exactly a year old. At the time of my original post, I knew very little about the subject matter, myself. I actually thought I had been issued my own unique IATA number.

I have no idea what's confusing to a reader. I send readers to the GTI website because I think it does a better job of explaining what a GTI membership entails than I can. After that, I can only respond to questions as best I can.

I have edited the year-old posts with corrected information. I did not change the existing content, just inserted the correct information.

As for the C-card analogies, a more accurate analogy might be to compare the old timers (YMCA and PADI) with the new guys on the block (maybe GUE and IANTD).

Although GTI is now 9 years old, relatively speaking it is the new kid on the block. If I am not mistaken, GTI has gone from nothing to being in the top 50 travel agencies in the world. GTI's growth would be impossible without a very high level of customer satisfaction (both from GTI members and the travel service providers).

IATAN is an association that has set standards for it's members. There are other associations that have set their own standards for their members. In the past 10 years I have met the IATAN required booking level once. Obviously I can't even get a IATAN card; however GTI's association with IATA allows me to book travel for myself, friends, and family at any level that presents itself.
raxafarian once bubbled...

a direct link to the company would have alleviated that concern.

I have gone back to the year-old posts and inserted a direct link along with the following explanation:

<edit> This edit provides a direct link to the GTI homepage. The previous link was to a page which contained my member number. Although it is possible for GTI members to sign up new members and receive $100, I'd rather remove the appearance of having a vested interest, and provide just the information </edit>.

In other words, I would rather see interested parties save and/or make money than make a few hundred dollars myself.
Well, it's certainly satisfying that you clarified your position vis-à-vis the board. My only goal in my previous posts was that same clarity.

Regarding your point on IATA/IATAN, you just can't compare them to any other travel association. The mere fact, as acknowledged, that travel agents have to use an IATA booking code for any travel arrangements shows how different they are. The whole travel industry is relying on the booking system they provide, even for non-air bookings.

Yes, there are other associations, but none of them has built a required business infrastructure as ARC/IATA/IATAN did. On the one hand, you have the one trade not-for-profit organization that has a monopoly (no matter how unfortunate that is) and regulates the entire profession. On the other, you have a corporation selling their own proprietary cards for a profit. Nothing is necessarily wrong with that as long as whoever pays for it understands what they are getting and not getting out of it, and that similar benefits may be available for a lot less upfront money. I think the thread accomplishes that at this point.
bengiddins once bubbled...
Okay, so which person on this board created a dummy user called Depth Gauge to put Natasha down? Strange topic for a new user to make their very first post, while immediately taking sides in a touchy debate.

Reeks of eBay shill bidding tactics.

Don't you just love that??:upset:
Same thing happened to me! It's really obvious too!
Like people can't figure out what you're doing...yeah right:cluck:
Make yourself be known, don't a chicken!
Personally I have always loved debate and am not afraid to enter one regardless if no one knows me. Your "senior" attitude is gross and arrogant.

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