Is anyone concerned about this spreading to Cozumel?

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UPDATE! Today, 15 State Police Patrol Units arrived on the island to help reinforce security and enforce the law here - this is not temporary by the way, they are now here for us as the island has gotten more populated. This is GOOD news and what has been promised to the island. They made their presence known!!
My lord! If that much force was needed, then by golly, it must have gotten pretty bad down there?
My lord! If that much force was needed, then by golly, it must have gotten pretty bad down there?

Never a good sign when the 'good guys' have to call in reinforcements. Especially in those kinds of numbers!

...Impressive little show of force though.
My lord! If that much force was needed, then by golly, it must have gotten pretty bad down there?

Um no, that's a jump - it just means that we went from having ZERO real police to have 15 units now - I wouldn't call that excessive by any means for a population of 90,000 +/- This was a show of presence. The municipal police are little more than traffic cops. So they basically gave us some real police. This has been in the works for awhile - it just finally happened.
Caravan of PEP patrols

COZUMEL, December 4 .- The security of the Cozumeleños in the hands of the State Preventive Police (PEP), having sent the Secretary of Public Security of the State, a total of 15 new patrols to the island including the five that the government of Perla Tun Pech, did not want to receive a loan, because she wanted to be given to the town hall.
At about 20 hours, they descended from one of the ferries from Punta Venado, parking on Avenida Miguel Alemán, where they left in a caravan with lights and turrets lit until they reached what will be their operational base located on the 45th avenue between Juarez and First South of the colony Adolfo López Mateos.
In the place was Ángel Rivas, in charge of the vehicle park of the State Police, just briefly informed that only these 15 units arrived with several elements that brought them, although they will not enter into functions, however, it will be in the short term when this happens because It is not long before all the renovations are finished in the building that will house this departure of the State Police.
This building was an abandoned building, however, now it looks completely remodeled and with air conditioning in each of its rooms.
Something that the municipal government did when they learned that the state arrived, was to send two patrols with elements to take photos and serve as a kind of "hawks", to inform its director Raúl Sánchez Martínez, but no one from the town hall was to receive them. , nor the trustee Fidencio Balam Puc who is the president of the Commission of Public Security of the municipality.
Within these new units that arrived, are the five patrols that the government of Perla Tun Pech did not want to receive in a loan more than a month ago, and in view of its refusal, the government of the state opted to channel them to the State Preventive Police so that They were sent to Cozumel, so that the citizens could have greater vigilance before the crime wave that began a year ago.
My wife and I enjoy dive traveling just like many fellow ScubaBoard participants that contribute to these posts.

I’m not speaking for anyone here, but in my specific situation and point of view, the 4 main reasons we enjoy visiting Cozumel, in no particular order are:

1- Total cultual immersion with warm welcoming people, excellent food and a chance to practice some Spanish.
2- Fantastic reefs and superb diving, excellent guides and operators... some of which we’ve become good friends with.
3- Very easy to get there, particularly from several FL locations.
4- We feel safe and can enjoy our vacations without stressing about our safety and well-being.

There are other reasons, but these 4 pretty much cover why we keep returning to Cozumel.

I understand we have tragic shootings happening in the States. I get that some media outlets may loose objectivity reporting criminal activity across the border. I understand the need for Federal travel advisory warnings and sure enough believe it’s important to be aware of surroundings at all times. I also get that political forces on either side of the border influence things and that perhaps there is more crime in some parts vs. others that be from cartel turf battles or whatever, I get the photo shows the ATMs appear far inland and the story about a toy gun some dude pulled on an unsuspecting tourist; however... the point is that if any of the 4 principal reasons we enjoy visiting Cozumel erodes or goes away, so will we.

I hope Cozumel remains that nice special place we love to visit.


UPDATE! Today, 15 State Police Patrol Units arrived on the island to help reinforce security and enforce the law here - this is not temporary by the way, they are now here for us as the island has gotten more populated. This is GOOD news and what has been promised to the island. They made their presence known!!

The lights constantly being on freaks me out. Conditioning from US police only putting the lights during emergencies (or me speeding).
Are those Ford or Chevy trucks? I'd feel safer if they were F-150's! :callme:

About 10 years ago the coz popo was present on about every other block in the tourist areas with Uzi's slung over their shoulders. They then vanished as perhaps coz didn't want to look like Jamaica to cruisers as it spooked cruise folks but these days, maybe cruisers feel safer seeing the popo armed to the hilt? I've no idea and I really don't care but there is obviously a reason for this and I conclude that reason is most gringos and cruise lines view coz as Mexico's last safe haven... Let the cartels into coz and have a few more "incidents" that spook cruisers that keep them on the ships or limited to cruise ship excursions the island is in for a world of financial hurt as are the mainland money pockets where 90% of the $ that was supposed to help Coz with the cruise ships has been going for years.
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I understand we have tragic shootings happening in the States. I get that some media outlets may loose objectivity reporting criminal activity across the border.

Yup! I haven't heard one news outlet talking about the dangers of traveling to Vegas lately.

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