On a somewhat related thread.... what rights to self defense to tourists have? Obviously a tourist would not be carrying, and even knives are illegal to carry, but if a tourist fought a national to avoid a mugging, is the tourist in the wrong similar to traffic accidents?
I'm not sure I would want to break my hand over $40, but I definately don't want to go to jail over $40 when the thief says I attacked him.
Are crimes against tourists even prosecuted? When the witness is leaving in a few days, I would think it would be hard.
Just curious.
I have met 7 people who have neutralized a threat with physical force while in Mexico as foreigners. In those cases none faced legal issues as the attackers were people known to the police and petty criminals. Accidentally defending against a powerfully connected person might end badly. But I've not met someone with this experience yet... Hopefully that means they are uncommon and it doesn't mean they simply disappear.
(not Cozumel related. I've traveled extensively.)