With a diaphragm type reg there are no extra maintenance costs unless you have to replace the environmental diaphragm, not to often unles it gets damaged and if it does the reg will still function fine it will just be a little more freeze prone.
Finding DIN conversions for the Conshelfs may be difficult. They just don't show up very often. By the time you get DIN conversions and the environmental seals for the Conshelfs you could probably pick up a used Apeks or Zeagle in DIN for less money.
You could start replacing your tank valves with the PRO convertible valves so they can be used with Yoke or DIN regs
Finding DIN conversions for the Conshelfs may be difficult. They just don't show up very often. By the time you get DIN conversions and the environmental seals for the Conshelfs you could probably pick up a used Apeks or Zeagle in DIN for less money.
You could start replacing your tank valves with the PRO convertible valves so they can be used with Yoke or DIN regs