Here's my dive report:
1st dive (began 10:19): Sepok to Castilyo Buhanging - 55 minute dive, max depth 96 ft. Wicked current going to the castle, and I did it without gloves

. But coming back was awesome! What took us about 20 mins to get there, the current carried us back to Sepok in about 2 mins! And we were mid-water with 50m viz, so it really felt like flying. An experience that made me smile all the way back.
Other notes:
* lots of featherstars taking advantage of the current. Matthew got one stuck on him and when he looked at me I laughed at him. (he got me back the next dive...

* Couldn't figure out my new dive comp and thought I was in deco (was reading NDL). So I increased my breathing and before I knew it I ended the dive at around 0 - 50 PSI (I put 20).
* noticeable critters: large pufferfish, mantis shrimp, stonefish.
Then we had a nice SI behind eagle point beach. Where Koya took the SI pics. I'll post some others as well. Thanks for the snacks Iris!
2nd dive (began 1:35): East side of Sombrero, Beatrice area. Max depth: 69ft. 50m viz. Very relaxing dive that featured a lot of nice schools including yellow tail snappers and small tunas. The best thing I like about this area is the large corals that make you feel like you're in another planet.
other notes:
* So I got a featherstar stuck on my leg - didn't notice it until it began squeezing. I took my SPG and began swatting it off. I looked to Matthew, my alleged "dive buddy" for help and what does he do? Takes off his regulator and begins pointing and laughing at me!

hehehe, really kulit and funny. I had to laugh with him.
* passed by the darth vader like ampitheatre
* Koya was trying to take a pic of a spotted juvenile sweet lips hiding underneath the acropora coral. His wifey kept pointing to where it was atop while he was mucking inbetween the openings. I had a great shot of it all, really funny watching Koya go to one side of the coral only to see the sweet lips mosey to the opposite side and out of his view.
After the 2 dives, headed back to AquaV to for some lunch. Iris and I saw Koya, Myra and Matt off and took a nap with the sunset light beaming through our open door. Great way to end a great day of diving.
quick plug again: