Iris, Chip and Matthew with Divenet

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Mwahahahahahahahaha you can have any pix you want Bro. As I said its all recreational for me. I wud suggest you look closer at the modified pix ( you and Ate Iris). Hehehe it'll be disqualified.

hehehe, we don't have to enter that pic. Although like I said, I'm comfortable with my 3rd nipple so I don't mind. :)

But note to self: next time pose with wet suit on to avoid any PPDer's urge to paintshop me... :)
1st dive (began 10:19): Sepok to Castilyo Buhanging - 55 minute dive, max depth 96 ft. Wicked current going to the castle, and I did it without gloves :). But coming back was awesome! What took us about 20 mins to get there, the current carried us back to Sepok in about 2 mins! And we were mid-water with 50m viz, so it really felt like flying. An experience that made me smile all the way back. :)
OK, I admit I thought Unidive fins were no good until I saw you frogkicking with them through the current. And I'm really impressed by how you were able to hold your poses whenever you're in front of Caloy's camera, one would never think we were in strong currents.:D

* lots of featherstars taking advantage of the current. Matthew got one stuck on him and when he looked at me I laughed at him. (he got me back the next dive... :))
But that was just a small portion of a featherstar, I'm sure the rest of it lived!:D

* So I got a featherstar stuck on my leg - didn't notice it until it began squeezing. I took my SPG and began swatting it off. I looked to Matthew, my alleged "dive buddy" for help and what does he do? Takes off his regulator and begins pointing and laughing at me! :) hehehe, really kulit and funny. I had to laugh with him.
Murderer!!!:D :D :D
Here's my dive report:

1st dive (began 10:19): Sepok to Castilyo Buhanging - 55 minute dive, max depth 96 ft. Wicked current going to the castle, and I did it without gloves :). But coming back was awesome! What took us about 20 mins to get there, the current carried us back to Sepok in about 2 mins! And we were mid-water with 50m viz, so it really felt like flying. An experience that made me smile all the way back. :)

Other notes:
* lots of featherstars taking advantage of the current. Matthew got one stuck on him and when he looked at me I laughed at him. (he got me back the next dive... :))
* Couldn't figure out my new dive comp and thought I was in deco (was reading NDL). So I increased my breathing and before I knew it I ended the dive at around 0 - 50 PSI (I put 20).
* noticeable critters: large pufferfish, mantis shrimp, stonefish.

Then we had a nice SI behind eagle point beach. Where Koya took the SI pics. I'll post some others as well. Thanks for the snacks Iris!

2nd dive (began 1:35): East side of Sombrero, Beatrice area. Max depth: 69ft. 50m viz. Very relaxing dive that featured a lot of nice schools including yellow tail snappers and small tunas. The best thing I like about this area is the large corals that make you feel like you're in another planet.

other notes:
* So I got a featherstar stuck on my leg - didn't notice it until it began squeezing. I took my SPG and began swatting it off. I looked to Matthew, my alleged "dive buddy" for help and what does he do? Takes off his regulator and begins pointing and laughing at me! :) hehehe, really kulit and funny. I had to laugh with him.
* passed by the darth vader like ampitheatre
* Koya was trying to take a pic of a spotted juvenile sweet lips hiding underneath the acropora coral. His wifey kept pointing to where it was atop while he was mucking inbetween the openings. I had a great shot of it all, really funny watching Koya go to one side of the coral only to see the sweet lips mosey to the opposite side and out of his view. :)

After the 2 dives, headed back to AquaV to for some lunch. Iris and I saw Koya, Myra and Matt off and took a nap with the sunset light beaming through our open door. Great way to end a great day of diving.

quick plug again:


I'll annotate some pards -

Started late in the morning...lazy, easy and relaxed diving eh.

1st dive - you failed to mention you got cut...hehehe gloves rule!!!

yes we were like flying dive bombers on the way back. Fast drifting over the gap between the two dive sites is surreal. The beauty of the dive was we ended in a shallow rich coral garden, safety stop and all. Oh before I forget, you failed to follow the dive briefing on "low on air":D.

2nd dive -

We did a 65 minute dive and it was drift..drift..drift all the way. There was a slight downcurrent at the safety stop area (blue water). To be honest, diving that "side" of Beatrice was my first. Hernel still has some secrets. Even if I have dived Beatrice site for 15 times, it never fails to amaze me. According to Hernel, every dive is different from the last one - as far as perspective, orientation, angle and approach are concerned. I believe him. He's one hell of a diver and he knows Anilao like the palm of his hand.

It was kinda sad leaving you guys but we just have to go back home. We enjoyed diving with you, as always. Next time Matthew, Jon (when he comes down to earth) and I dive with Divenet (Hernel and Joy), join us. We kinda like the overnight thing. In by friday, night dive, overnite and two dives the following day. You too Spoon.

Oh btw, are you plugging Divenet with "Dive Philippines"? If yes, its "Divenet Philippines" at www.divenetphil.comeyebrow
We did a 65 minute dive and it was drift..drift..drift all the way. There was a slight downcurrent at the safety stop area (blue water). To be honest, diving that "side" of Beatrice was my first. Hernel still has some secrets. Even if I have dived Beatrice site for 15 times, it never fails to amaze me. According to Hernel, every dive is different from the last one - as far as perspective, orientation, angle and approach are concerned. I believed him.

I totally agree. Ive dived beatrice many times, but its my first time to see it this way. For a time I thought we were in another site.
pansin ko no, partner partner mga divers dito Iris-Chip, Caloy-Myra, Spoon-Monique, Matthew pano mo kinaya un? lol.

we were a three-man team - Iris, Chip and me:D
Ish sama ka Matthew's dive buddy, no malice intended po.
Great idea! look forward to diving with you Ish:D
OK, I admit I thought Unidive fins were no good until I saw you frogkicking with them through the current. And I'm really impressed by how you were able to hold your poses whenever you're in front of Caloy's camera, one would never think we were in strong currents.:D

I'll be honest, they are crappy fins. My joints used to ache after each dives, but I think I've gotten used to them. Since the price of the IST F-1 fins is the same, I should have grabbed those but I wasn't an SB member then so didn't have much knowledge. :) Oh well, at least it's giving me some experience in those type of fins so I can appreciate the many better kinds.

And the reason I was able to hold a pose was cause the congressman in me came out! :D

But that was just a small portion of a featherstar, I'm sure the rest of it lived!:D Murderer!!!:D :D :D

oh the shame...I don't need gloves to be a bad diver...(or I don't need to be K******n!...hehehehee). Only jokes guys...I've got love for everyone.

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