Invitation to dive 4/26/03

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FallenMatt once bubbled...

I may be mistaken (being half-asleep at a time and stuff) but didn't you have a little talk with DM about jackets and BP ?


Oh, THAT conversation. Well, after telling me that he had been diving for 55 years, I decided not to pick a fight with him. After all, he was the one helping us out of the water!!

It started with a comment on our Halcyon gear and DIR. Then he told me how he would rather solo dive and how he popped a goliath grouper 'cause it ate his barracuda that he just shot. He lost me after that....
...I've still been recovering from that early-morningness.

Dive #1 - Capt. Tony
DM set the buoy and we all hopped in. Matt and I were one of the last ones down on the wreck. We made our way down the line against the strong current and headed into the cargo area and ran into everyone else. Then we decided to swim the length of the hold from front to back. We encountered some nice areas that appeared a little too small to enter. After poking around the hold, we headed for the bow and saw a bunch of barracuda. We turned around and headed for the stern, meeting Krista (KBeck) and bubblejunkie (Jerry) along the way. I found this nice walkway along the side of the boat to explore in, safe from the current. At the stern we entered into the control room (I guess) and found the toilet again. I rested there for a little bit while Matt played w/his buoyancy. Just a little more poking around in the stern and misc rooms there before we decided to head up. I started making my way up the line (horizontal of course) and looked up at about 20 ft. and saw about 7-8 divers "blowing in the wind". I couldn't contain myself :D. So the safety stop was around 20ft, w/ a small one at around 10 ft. The DM caught up with us at the surface, and while hollering at Matt to let go of the safety line attached to the descent line a big wave came over his had from behind, so all I heard was "Let go of the ackhhh...*gurgle*." Boat picked us up with no problem.
86ft max for 34 min

Dive #2 - Reef/The Fingers
I started feeling woozy for some reason before this dive. I think the stinking Bonine made it worse or something, cuz I've never had problems before. Anyway, after sitting at the back of the boat for a while to recover, Matt and I were one of the last 2 to jump in with the "well-endowed" dive flag. We headed to around 60ft, and started making our way along the reef. Found a nice trumpet fish (around 1ft long) and some other tropicals. The flag was getting annoying to hold on to, so I slipped it through my arm completely unwound. Continued poking around when I found a nice "integrated-weight-pocket fish" sitting at the bottom. I thought, hmmmm, free weights! So I began pilforing the weight pocket, and discovered 2 3lb weights inside. I handed one to Matt, and took the other. The current picked up, and I misplaced the pocket, perhaps under the ledge. So, off to continue our dive when "Crap! Where's the dive flag!!!" I still don't know how that thing slipped off my arm. I found Matt and tried to let him know and he kept giving me the "I don't know" signal. So after a short search for the flag, we surfaced. Come to find out the signal was "I know you lost the dive flag stupid, now what do you want me to do about it?". The boat told us to head back down, and we finished the rest of our dive. I kept getting sidetracked off the reef, and we eventually got pointed in the right direction. We surfaced with no problem in the boat finding us. We really didn't venture too far from it anyway.
64ft max for 37 min

The lady previously mentioned was a total biznitch. I head Jerry mention that she seemed more concerned about getting our money than the safety of the divers. Terry (the Capt.) however, was one of the nicest guys in the world! He was there every time to help us back on the boat without hesitation, and made the whole experience worth going back to. When I was sitting back down after the dive I felt a tugging, which was Terry sliding my tank back into the slot! I noticed him actually hurrying back and forth along the boat helping all divers do the same. This guy was great! Breakfast was nice, although we didn't get to meet the friendly geek :(. We ate at a nice little place for lunch afterwards. The burgers were excellent.

Matt and I shared some great stories with Jack (detroit diver). Sounds like you and CWB had fun with those tires! Somehow if I went to 40 fathoms and started moving around their vehicles with a lift bag I wouldn't be invited back :D.

Overall, despite the drowsiness, I had an great time and enjoyed meeting everyone. I hope Jeremy finds the Scubaboard. I look foward to diving with all of you again in the future.


It wasn't CWB, but I'm not saying WHO it was!! Let's just say that we went incognito.....
i am seriously considering getting wetnotes or what not and have preprinted messages to show to Dr. Jay

such us : "i know you've lost the flag, but can't see it anywhere so stop looking for it"

"the reef is thattaway, you are drifting away into the deep and"

and finally:



of course i could as well agree on proper signs during pre-dive check but that takes away all the cartoony aspect of the situation :-)
Ok I know I slept for two straight days after those dives (after three Bonine that morning, that was it), but did I miss some major conversations? Who is CWB-mystery buddy or something? Tires? What tires? Or is this specially developed DIR-speak meant to make me feel clueless and inept? ;)

And I never saw any toilet--darn it, I had to pee! :D

I think we all have to agree that while the circumstances were....less than ideal, it turned into a great day! Glad to have met everyone! (And noone even made fun of my poodle jacket :) )
CWB is a member of this board, but had nothing to do with the tires.

That was a "you had to be there" story!
Hey Everyone!

I was curious if anyone was planning a dive in June in south FL. I know it is a whole month away but I would love to get in the water. May is pretty booked since Mark and I are heading to Vegas and then the Keys. We are getting nitrox and advanced open H2O at the end of the month. (Yes- I am the gf that Mark3397 was referring to). I have not been on scubaboard in a while. Anyone???:D

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