Invitation to dive 4/26/03

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I was just talking about you on the phone with Krista. We were wondering if you had internet access on your trip.

I am not going. I'm feeling nausea already for some reason, maybe I'm coming down with something, and I don't want to chance getting on a rough boat. And if it is cancelled I don't want to had to drive all that way for nothing, you know what I mean. I think Matt and Jason are still going. I'm sorry that I won't get to meet you.

I am still kinda mad at the lady on the phone from the dive shop. I think she was kinda rude and had a poor attitude. Its really surprising too because I heard such good things about the dive op. Maybe she is just having a bad day.
Hi detroit diver--
I was getting kinda worried it would be just you and me! Glad you hopped on. I'll see everyone at 7:00 at the Greek; you can see my profile pic, so I should be recognizable. I assume I'll be the only lone female wandering in for breakfast....if not half asleep b/c of the early hour, I'll be half out of it with all the Bonine I'll be dosing up on!

Matt and Jason, thanks for sticking with!

If we get weathered out...well, Two Georges is right there; we could start our own pseudo-"hurricane party" (Just practice for the real stuff, of course....ha ha ha).

Wendy, we'll catch up soon enough!
Wendy once bubbled...
I am so pi**ed now. I decided to cancel my spot and she said she has to charge me becuz I didn't get 24 hours notice. I was not told this when I booked the spot, I was only told that I would be charged if I was a no show. She said if she finds someone to fill my spot or if I find someone to take my spot then I won't be charged. So anyone want my spot? I'm not feeling 100% physically as it is and I know being on that damn boat will just make it worse.

Any suggestions on what to do? SHould I bring up the baot to her that I wasn't told about the 24 hour notice to cancel and for her to not worrry about me using her boat again? I'm not in a position to blow $50, she said she could give me a rain check, but again I still pay the $50 and my trips down there are few and far between.

Help me!!!!

If you think you'll use them again, take the rain check.

If not, dispute the charge with your credit card company. Some will do it over the phone, others require you to write them. But if there's nothing with your signature, nor an agreement that you OK'd (click here to accept type thing on some websites) saying you agreed to any such policy. Nor were you told about the policy.

Credit card companies usually go to bat for their customers if there's no evidence that can be provided by the merchant to the contrary.

Looking forward to the friendly geek and divin'!

Wendy, are you sure you don't want to go? I've got some extra Bonine and Ginger if you need it.

Look forward to meeting you guys....and the long hoses still outnumber the poodle jackets ;).

I'm all for the "party". I just took my last test of my Bachelor career, so I need a nice relaxing escape.

I'm so sorry that you're feeling lousy. It would really not be a good idea to dive queasy, especially with the conditions we expect tomorrow. I hope to dive with you someday.


I'm not sure how to take" I was getting worried that it was just going to be you and me" !! You can explain that one at the Greek.

See ya'll there!

Here's the list of divers that met for breakfast and the dive:

Fallen Matt
Dr. Jay
Detroit Diver

7am Sharp at the Friendly Greek in Boynton. 60 degrees outside and pouring. Definately not your chamber of commerce weather. FM and Dr J were found sleeping in the parking lot after a 3 1/2 hour drive. Kbeck and Bubblejunkie were found inside where it was dry and warm. We were all still waking up to some extent. Nice, basic breakfast. Kbeck made a couple of calls to the sweet woman :D at Splashdown divers to confirm that we were still going. :D For those of you that were not there, the lady at Splashdown would not be considered a candidate for personality of the year. In fact, nasty might be applied here. I guess from previous posts, Wendy found this out before we did. Oh well.

On the other hand, the divemaster-I forgot his name- was a really friendly and helpful guy. Unfortunately, he has to be associated with the wicked witch from the west.

First dive was to the Capt Tony. FM and DR were buddies, Kbeck and BJ were buddies, and I was with a fellow from Boston named Jeremy. Bottom was around 85 ft. This wreck looks fairly new and I guess I expected much more from it. The current was around 1/2 to 1 know I would guess. Great school of cuda off the bow area. Not much big stuff other than that, although some saw a goliath grouper. Nice slow ascent and back on the boat in the rain and cold. It was nicer in the water!

Second dive was a reef about a mile or so off the shore. 55 fsw max. Kbeck Bj and myself buddied up with BJ taking the float. Nother overly exciting, but a nice relaxing drift dive. Those guys saw a lobster, and Kbeck found an empty weight pocket insert. Some of the other divers reported seeing some really large turtles, but we missed out on those. BJ called the dive and we did a slow ascent. Back on the rainy, cold boat.

We all did lunch at a local diner type place. Good burgers and great hot chocolate!

I was really glad to be able to meet all of the rest of the group, and I hope to get the chance to dive with them again someday. I hope everyone got back safely.

Glad to hear you guys got out and were able to dive. When I went out this morning there was lightning and thunder.

Next time I'll be there.

Hello there :-)

The trip was fun, driving into sunrise was fun, driving into sunrise in heavy rain was not that much fun :D

Everything else was dercibed in better words by Detroit Diver but just add soemthing, i happened to observer a tiny argument about Backpale/Wing on the boat :-)

We (me + Dr. Jay) got home sometime after 4:30 pm, I unloaded my car, piled up the gear on the floor and passed out on the bed till about half an hour ago... that means 17 hour sleep ... whoa.. that doesn't usually happen to me...

now .. i need to actually rinse everything and put in tthe proper places.. :(
I missed the BP discusssion. What was the issue?
FLL Diver once bubbled...
Glad to hear you guys got out and were able to dive. When I went out this morning there was lightning and thunder.

Next time I'll be there.



We had that also, but the witch was not willing to give up the cash! In fact, they had trouble startiing the boat, and I overheard her say to the DM that she would not be really happy having to give back the money that she had just collected. I think she would have put us in canoes in a hurricane if she had the choice!

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