Invasion II

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I have one picture to share.....

I have one picture to share.....

Pretty powerful picture! :14: ... Looks like Kbeck is off the hook for #1 suspect! :mooner:
Here are some pics of Friday afternoon dives (non-killing machine boat)

Joyce gets prepared to dive nekkid with CT. MegaMike choose not to dive nekkid!

Here she is in all her nekkidness. Careful Mike, she seems a bit aggressive in her new free style of diving!

Dueling photo shots... It's the only way photographers get their pictures taken... lol

Howard explaining to anyone who will listen... the virtues of advertising on the board!

This was my weekend to capture a lot of fish butt pictures... slow shutter finger!


This guy appeared to be missing at least two tentacles

Interesting debris... Can anyone identify it?


They keep taunting!!!




Pretty powerful picture! :14: ... Looks like Kbeck is off the hook for #1 suspect! :mooner:
She was only a suspect in one person's mind. The rest of us knew better. :D
Continued from Friday afternoon's reef dives... Molassis and Pickles...
I didn't take pictures on the night dive. I was with a new AOW diver and wanted to keep the focus where it should be...








Next up will be Saturday morning on the Eagle with Walter and Kbeck, and then the Conch Wall with pics of Mr. Happy Feet!
Here's a preview of that one....

Is that a frog kick, bicycle kick, or just frog legs? :wink:
Yes officer, I was there and took pictures of the whole incident... Here is my story...
This nice girl came up to the A.B. and was offering to help with the A.B.'s straps...

Then, she shined his fins for him...

While she was shining his fins, some Pirate came up and stole her fin, then handed it to A.B....

A.B. taunted her several times by dropping the fin and snatching it back every time she attempted to reach it using just her one poor fin for mobility... It was humiliating and arrogant...

It went on like that for some time between A.B. and this Pirate fellow... just taunting her over and over again... poor Muggsy...

Notice the porn hanging from the Pirate's waste... certainly indicates what type of person he is!...

At this point another Innocent bydiver came in to help the poor girl... Realizing the only way to fight fire is with fire, the bydiver quickly stole the fins from A.B. in hopes of bartering a trade for the poor girl's fin...

The Pirate goon continued his attempts at taunting the young, innocent Muggsy by handing her fin to A.B....

Another innocent bydiver attempted to put a stop to all this, but was kicked in the face by the horrid Pirate dude...

At this point, you can see the rage (and wrinkles) from this A.B.....

He kicked an flailed in an attempt to make headway, but it was no use... his arrogant ways had caught up with him...

Two innocent young ladies recovered the boots that came off with A.B.'s fins and discuss the stench coming from them, and why the reef fish are dying...

This A.B. character had no remorse at the damage his feet were doing to the reef, fish and other divers... he arrogantly displayed the killer fungus ravaged beasts for everyone to see

Having recovered her fins, and the fins of A.B. The innocent Muggsy and her dim-witted side kick intend to teach A.B. a lesson!

She displays the evidence for potential court room retaliation... She is so confused that she has placed one of each type of fin on her feet and doesn't even know it at this time... How sad!

Once the evidence is documented, she graciously drops A.B.'s fins in a safe location off of the reef. Notice the A.B. on the other hand has no regard for the reef (Oh, the shame)!

Officer, I have run out of space to complete the story... I will finish with another post.[/
Yes officer, I can complete my version of the story now...

Having recovered his fins and one boot, he attacks one of the most innocent people on the dive... Kbeck. As you can see here, she is mortified by this... all for the boot she graciously saved from the damaging the reef, and at potential risk of needing delousing after handling the boot...

This brought the ire of Muggsy to the surface and she stole his fins again, just to teach A.B. his lesson... Here you can see the fins and boots displayed by these two distraught women... Just the fact that she is holding her nose underwater tells you how strong the stench was...

When they were sure A.B. had learned his lesson, they let him go back to tearing up the reef by kneeling on it...

That's my story, officer... and I'm sticking to it! :popcorn:

we just had a lot of fun and amusement reading your story...we absolutely love it...and you were right we were totally mortified by the A.B.'s actions!!! The gaul! Thank you so much for chronicling such a great event! You rule!!!!

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