Invasion II

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For Those Who Did Not Go . You So Missed Out On The Time Of Your Liife . I Had A Awsome Time And Met Alot Of Great People. And Made Some New Freinds. I Will So Be At The Next Invasion. And To All Who Made This Possible . I Truly Do Thank You . Hats Off To All .
I just got home and I wanted to drop a note and say …. WOW I have an absolute wonderful time with this years invasion. The dives where spectactular, the food out of this word, the companies (as usual) was outstanding and a absolute blast. Scubaboard if truly a wonderful place to not only give you frequent opertunties to dive but also to make you feel like one of the family and I wanted to say thanks you very much for that.
Also my hat is off to the organizers of this years event Miss Jenny and Miss Brenda you to ladies rock. And I hear rumors Jenny is HOT.
A very special thanks to one hard working lady Becky aka Speargirl …. This young lady worked from sun up to sundown accomidating all of us scuba board members. I saw this lady do everything from taking 12 people in her private home when no room was available for them, to watching divers kids so they could dive, to taking money out of her personal pocket to ensure all rooms had EVERYTHING any of us may have forgot at home and the kids had fun things to do. My hat is off to you lady and I hope to see you soon. Also if you can not get out on a charter boat her husband is the man so call and talk to Becky.

Last but not least my heartfelt condolences to the good Doctor S and his family in this time of sorrow my thoughts and prayers are with you and your precious family.
Until next time one divergirl over and out….
Kim P
PS where’s the pics
Missing womens wet suit 2 piece Oceanic size m/L blue and black long sleeve shortie and a black farmer Jane with knee pads ... I think it was left at Kawama if any Tampa area members are still there please check with Becky and see if it was on the boat, if you could send it this way ... that would be great
Kim P
Just got home a little while ago and I would like to thank each and every person who attended that helped make this a wonderful INVASION. I agree with Kim that the diving was spectacular, the hospitality was excellent, Brenda rocks, Becky-thanks for taking Hermit Crab, Capt. Gary for his medicore chikcen wings (I had 3x as many as last year! LOL), and of course, Pete, who with his tenacity keeping SB alive all these years, we had the opportunity to gather, dive and drink. Ya'll Rock!!!
(no pufferfish were harmed in the making of this post!)
This was posted on SBII (at that time, the only board up) about 1:30 PM EST.

Just getting things into the car here....

The wind down party was just that... a way for everyone to wind down from a weekend of being a dive/party machine. I for one, was exhausted from the weekend (and, I knew I would be). I have pictures, but will not post them until I have a chance to get home, unpack and load them on the computer.

Joyce's magic beer cooler has more alcohol in it than when we started the party (This is true of Saturday night's party as well.... and the party from July 1). Domestic beer is all that is left, but there is plenty of it... And, the
additions of Bacardi Gold, Light and a few bottles of wine... I guess the magic cooler will have to become the new beer/rum tote.

I just want to say that it was a fantastic time (as I knew it would be)! Thanks to all of you for making the memories that last a life time!

First - Speargirl spent too much time and too much of her personal money to make sure everyone at Kawama had a great time. Becky, stop it! We have a great time without you having do those things. We are all adults (who act like adolescents) and take responsibility for our own great times... Relax and enjoy the weekends with us!

There are a lot of sighs that come from my mouth, this morning, every time I remember something from the weekend of diving....

Diving the reefs on Friday afternoon, diving nekkid with Joyce.

Diving the Eagle at night with my son

Diving the Eagle on Saturday morning (Walter is always an excellent guide!)

Diving Conch Wall on Saturday morning and taking pictures of Chip's soon to be famous fin attack

Diving the Duane on Saturday afternoon with Kbeck, lil' castaway and David (Killer currents, but we all made the trip)

Diving the afternoon reef with the Lotsa Love Crew, who all chose to dive nekkid with Walter and me! (pictures coming)

Diving the Sunday afternoon reefs with NetDoc (canceled Sunday morning as Adam was too tired to dive - kids... they can never keep up... lol)

Saturday night at CR - Adam was the first to pass out on a dock at the party - and he never had a drink.... lol

Sunday's wind down party that attempted to kill the leftovers from Saturday night (We couldn't put a dent in it)

Did I hear Moonie is missing?

Did I hear there are pictures of the C. S. Crew pinning Pirate down?

Did I hear Pirate lost track of Moonie? Where do these rumors start? (lol)

Did I hear there are pictures of Kbeck with a baby in her arms?

Did I hear there are pictures of Kbeck attempting to feed the baby a beer?

Did I hear that to corrupt something innocent is now considered Kbecking?

If you didn't make this weekend's Invasion, you missed out big time!!!

There's more to say, but I really need to get back to reality, load the car and make the drive home!


I just got home. I am going to unload the car and go to bed...
(smart move posting over here!):thumb:
Moonie is gone again....
Yes, I am awaiting the pics of Pirate vs. CS Crew! Should be interesting!
Yes, I am awaiting the pics of Pirate vs. CS Crew! Should be interesting!
For once... I don't have the pics... they are only in my memory... And, that is scary enough :14:
The Invasion trip was so much fun and filled with :lotsalove: Lotsa Love!!!

I had my first night dive Friday and to have it on the Eagle with Walter leading the way - it was awesome!!! It was so cool being on the line and looking down at all the divers with their lights.

Saturday afternoon Kbeck did a great job of leading David and me around the Duane. And I got to practice swimming backwards with that current. The Lotsa Love gang then did the reef dive all nekkid. I don’t understand why the guys kept swimming behind us girls though. The party Saturday night was fun and I was able to meet even more SBers.

Sunday morning we went on the Eagle again to see what it looks like in the light. I didn’t see the Bulls but did see the jewfish and the tarpon. The reef was beautiful. We saw 7 nurse sharks and a turtle - I love turtles.

SBer’s are an awesome bunch and I can’t wait until the next dive with everyone!!!!
lil' castaway:
... Saturday afternoon Kbeck did a great job of leading David and me around the Duane. And I got to practice swimming backwards with that current.
The current was not agreeable for the day. You and David did great, based on conditions, and should dive more often together (as I know you will). You will begin to notice how each other dives, you will know when there is a potential problem, and know what the other is thinking before they express it. It all comes with experience and familiarity.
lil' castaway:
The Lotsa Love gang then did the reef dive all nekkid. I don’t understand why the guys kept swimming behind us girls though.
Do you really want me to post those pictures... frog kicks and all? :14:
lil' castaway:
The party Saturday night was fun and I was able to meet even more SBers.
That's the name of the game... and Lotsa Love for everyone to pass around... :rofl3:

lil' castaway:
SBer’s are an awesome bunch and I can’t wait until the next dive with everyone!!!!
What are you up to today? :14:
Also if you can not get out on a charter boat her husband is the man so call and talk to Becky.
Well, yes and no - no to be confused, there is no chartering going on here... if the lil boat happens to be splashed and Greg is not at work or Becky has the time, then they don't mind taking a ride that might include some dive tanks or just a little run out to Mosquito Reef to snorkel with the kids. I've been lucky like this the past few times I've been down the boat was splashed and Greg was free (Becky was queen of coordination :wink:).. with Drake, Ian and Xavier keeping Kris and I busy, commiting to the 3.5-5 hours for a charter isn't even on the scope..

Last but not least my heartfelt condolences to the good Doctor S and his family in this time of sorrow my thoughts and prayers are with you and your precious family.
Until next time one divergirl over and out….
Kim P
PS where’s the pics

Right-on: I met DrS briefly last night at the Sunday wrap and only afterwards did I learn of whats happened. Today I learned a little more and am saddened by the whole ordeal. DrS, if you read this, please feel free to reach out to the dive community for support.. we're here for you, buddy!

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