I was forwarded a note from someone who does accident analysis... only they've stopped calling them "accidents". The whole point of the note was to point out that the word "accident" trivializes the incident as something out of our control. Consequently, I've asked my Google Guru, @sphyon, to assess the impact a change of name would have on the forum. Maybe we need to call it something like "Scuba Incidents", "Scuba Incidents and Injuries" or even "Scuba Incidents, injuries and deaths". I'm sure I would still be keeping "accidents" as a Key Word for the forum. Comments?
I prefer the current title. An accident is just that - no matter what the circumstance (unless some element of criminal intent can later be proven, but that's a different topic). The event (accident, incident, come-to-Jesus moment) is not intentional. I do not think anyone goes diving to get bent or worse. Thus, I find "accident" to be appropriate.