With all due respect - I believe that the deputy in question said he would never ask anybody to do that dive. He didn't say he wouldn't do it himself. I agree with Thal that if this particular PSD wouldn't do this dive then he is in the wrong line of work, however I will give him the benefit of doubt that he was referring to asking someone else being asked to do that dive with an unknown level of training versus someone who has the appropriate training.
Hi Guys,
Though I am a long time fan of ScubaBoard, I do not post very often, but couldn't stay quiet on this one.
ScubaMoose was right on - I was there that day, on the scene a few minutes after the incident began. While Patrix said he would not ask or expect anyone else to begin a rescue with 300 psi, what he has been too humble to mention is that he in fact was one of the first to grab gear and go in to get her.
I am not just comfortable with being in his jurisdiction, I am proud to be and the reaction of him and the other people spoken about on this post was nothing short of heroic.
If there was ever a chance of a positive outcome on something like this it couldn't be greater than with the folks and the facilities at Whitestar that day.
A number of people responded to the call without hesitation or calculating the risks - something I have not seen in accident scenes in other areas of my life. I have never been able to describe diving as a sport - to me its a lifestyle, it becomes part of who you are. These people were not going to let a fellow diver die on their watch and it just demonstrates yet again to me what a fantastic community we are all part of.
Sappy? Yes, but its my two-cents for what its worth!