pennypue:Yep, WAY OFF.
A proper Chick Diver would never encourage a Cabana Boy to drink that much. I mean, really, just how would he be able to properly fetch and tote for us if he were that intoxicated?
And a proper Cabana Boy would see to it that his flight left after the last Chick Diver's flight. Just WHO would be carrying her bags to the airport if you were already gone?? Hmmmmm?????
(I can see a definite need for some CB training for you. Why don't you hop on over the the Chick Diver thread and fill out an application? )
LOL... Maybe I will. I ain't pretty, but I can lift heavy objects, apply sun tan lotion and give foot massages. I draw the line on the purse carrying thing. Leave me with at least a shread of dignity.